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RESOLUTION 2016 - <br />APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT AND REVIEW OF THE <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR BALD EAGLE SPORTSMAN'S ASSOCIATION <br />LOCATED AT 6557 125TH STREET NORTH <br />WHEREAS, The Bald Eagle Sportsman's Association has requested approval to amend <br />their special use permit to allow for construction of a 1,008 square foot addition to an <br />existing garage; <br />WHEREAS, The special use permit was reviewed for compliance and is in compliance; <br />WHEREAS, the property is legally described as; <br />(SEE ATTACHED) <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed said special use permit amendment <br />and review at a duly called public hearing on September 22, 2016 and recommends <br />approval. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the <br />amendment their special use permit to for construction of a 1,008 square foot addition to <br />an existing garage and the review of the special use permit for compliance, subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy: <br />1. The storage containers shall be removed from the property. <br />ADOPTED by the City Council this 3rd day of October 2016 <br />Tom Weidt, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Michele Lindau, City Clerk <br />