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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2106 <br />D.1 Approval of the Minutes for the September 15, 2016 Emergency Management Meeting <br />D.2 Approval of the Minutes for the September 19, 2016 City Council Meeting <br />D.3 Approval of the Minutes for the September 22, 2016 North Sunset Lake Road Project <br />Neighborhood Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above meeting minutes as presented. <br />G.1 Approval of Claims <br />City staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Adam Greeder <br />In 2007, Adam Greeder was hired by the City of Hugo as one of its summer seasonal <br />maintenance workers in the Hugo Public Works Department. On October 6, 2008, Adam <br />became part of the department as a full-time employee as an apprentice for the Public Works <br />Maintenance Worker. Public Works Director Scott Anderson recommends Council approve the <br />annual performance review for Public Works Worker Adam Greeder. <br />G.3 Approve Pay Request No. 3 from Arnt Construction for 147th Street / Oneka Lake <br />Boulevard Street and Trail Improvement Project <br />The City has received Pay Request No. 3 from Arnt Construction for the 147th Street/Oneka <br />Lake Boulevard street and trail improvement project. Staff has inspected the project and finds it <br />satisfactory for work completed to date. Staff recommends Council approve Pay Request No. 3 <br />to Arnt Construction in the amount of $255,176.14. <br />GA Approve Resignation of Historical Commissioner Lynette Andersen and Notice for <br />Vacancy <br />Historical Commissioner Lynette Andersen has submitted her letter of resignation from the <br />Commission. Staff recommend Council accept her resignation and approve the notice for the <br />vacancy on the Historical Commission. <br />G.5 Approve SUP Amendment and Review for Bald Eagle Sportsmen's Association — 6557 <br />125th Street North <br />Bald Eagle Sportsman's Association (BESA) is requesting to amend their SUP to allow <br />construction of a 28' x 36' (1,008 square feet) addition to its existing 28' x 32' garage to store <br />archery equipment and a review of their SUP. The archery equipment is currently stored in two <br />storage containers and outdoors. The gun club is proposing to remove the storage containers <br />from the property. At its September 22, 2016, meeting the Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing and considered the request. Staff recommended approval of the special use permit <br />amendment and review. There was one person that spoke during the public hearing. The <br />Planning Commission agreed that the application met the requirements necessary to approve the <br />SUP amendment and review. They unanimously recommended adoption of the resolution <br />approving the SUP amendment and review to the City Council. <br />