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G 11 Approve Renewal of Term for Parks Commissioners Cathy Moore-Arcand, Nicole <br />Schmid, and Ranell Tennyson <br />Staff has contacted Parks Commissioners Cathy Moore-Arcand, Nicole Schmid, and Ranell <br />Tennyson regarding the expiration of their terms as Commissioners at the end of this year. All three <br />have indicated their desire to be reappointed to the Parks Commission. Staff recommends Council <br />approve the reappointment of Commissioners Cathy Moore-Arcand, Nicole Schmid, and Ranell <br />Tennyson for a three-year term to expire on December 31, 2019. <br />G.12 Approve Renewal of Term for Economic Development Authority Member Mike <br />Gallivan <br />The term for EDA member Mike Gallivan expires on December 31, 2016, and he has indicated his <br />willingness to serve another six-year term. Staff recommends Council approve the reappointment <br />of Mike Gallivan to serve another term on the EDA to expire on December 31, 2022. <br />G.13 Approve Renewal of Terms for Historical Commissioners Cynthia Schoonover, Trina <br />Oswald, and Joyce Granger <br />Historical Commissioners Cynthia Schoonover, Trina Oswald and Joyce Granger have terms <br />that expire at the end of this year. They have all indicated a desire to serve another three-year <br />term on the Historical Commission. Staff recommends Council approve the reappointment of <br />Cynthia, Trina, and Joyce for another three-year term to expire December 31, 2019. <br />G.14 Approve Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for St. Genevieve Church During Fish Frys <br />The Church of St. Genevieve has applied for a Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for the St. John's <br />site. The Men's Club of the parish would again like to run a raffle in conjunction with their annual <br />Friday Night Fish Frys in March and April 2017. Half of the monies collected will be used as <br />prizes, and the other half will be donated equally to the Hugo Good Neighbor Food Shelf and <br />Centennial Food Shelf. Staff recommends Council approve the Lawful Gambling Permit for St. <br />John's Site of St. Genevieve Church for Raffles during the Fish Frys in March and April, 2017. <br />G.15 Approve Changes to the Personnel Policy for Public Works Boot Reimbursement <br />The Public Works Department is requesting an increase of $50 to the yearly boot allowance. <br />Public Works employees typically maintain at least three sets of boots, lightweight boots for <br />summer use, heavy winter boots and also insulated rubber boots for use in water and mud. The <br />current allowance is $100/year. Public Works Director, Scott Anderson, is recommending <br />increasing the yearly allowance to $150. <br />G.16 Approve Ordinance Amendment and Personnel Policy Revisions Regarding Fire <br />Department Response Times Requirements <br />The Hugo City Code currently requires Hugo Fire Department employees to reside within the <br />