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x <br /> Hugo City Hall • 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo, Minnesota 55038 <br /> Governor Pawlenty <br /> Helps Hugo Celebrate <br /> i. <br /> yy gQ <br /> -HIM l <br /> love, <br /> 2006 Year In Review 2001 City Goals <br /> A Turning Point In Our Community Opportunities For Success <br /> In an eventful year in which Hugo celebrated 100 On January 15,2007 the Hugo City Council held its <br /> years as a City,residents also saw the completion of annual goal-setting session to develop City Goals or <br /> many of Hugo's ongoing projects. These included 2007.The Council also received input from separate <br /> the construction of major roadways, schools, and goal-setting sessions held by the Planning Commis- <br /> commercial and residential developments. While sion and the Parks Commission. <br /> these have resulted in a sense of accomplishment for <br /> the City,they also represent a new beginning for the Hugo Mayor Fran Miron states, "The process that <br /> future of Hugo. Mayor Fran Miron agrees, noting, we go through each year is really the reason why <br /> "2006 was really a banner year for the City of Hugo, we've been successful in Hugo. We have a unique <br /> with many goals accomplished last year as well as sense of harmony within the City, and I think that <br /> the resolution of some issues that we've been work- tone is set because we establish areas of agreement <br /> i - ing on for some time. I think it really creates a turn- that provide the basis for working as a team–staff, <br /> ing point for our community." Council and residents. It also offers an opportunity <br /> to do self-evaluation." <br /> Hugo Celebrates Its Centennial <br /> August 15, 2006 marked the 100th birthday of the 0081 A Focus On Economic Development <br /> Cit of Hugo, which included several days of cel-g Y Based on information received during continued <br /> ebration by City residents. Minnesota Governor visits to existing businesses in Hugo,marketing and <br /> Tim Pawlenty joined in on the festivities to make promotional strategies will be developed for the <br /> remarks and present a proclamation to the City,and City's Economic Development Authority(EDA). In <br /> a time capsule — which won't be opened for an- addition,the City will encourage business owners to <br /> other 50ears — was buried in front of Cit Hall <br /> Y Y . join and become active members of the Hugo Busi- <br /> A special Hugo Centennial Commission was formed ness Association(HBA). Hugo will also continue to <br /> • - and this group helped make the celebration a very move toward the establishment of a Downtown Tax <br /> successful event. "It was so wonderful to see the Increment Financing (TIF) district, and work will <br /> volunteers come together and see the community begin on a master plan for another industrial park in <br /> come together to celebrate such an important date in the Northern Gateway — west of Highway 61 from <br /> ' Hugo's history,"comments Mayor Miron. 165th Street to 180th Street. <br /> Year In Review: Pagel 2007 City Goals: Page 3 <br />