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• �� Holding On To Hugo's History <br /> Over the week- capsule will include City had for its fu- teering his services, <br /> r <br /> end of August 12,and photographs of build- ture. a few hours to create <br /> on the City's actual ings around Hugo, Besides pictures, the custom-fabricated <br /> birthday (August 15), as well as artifacts Nelson will also put capsule,he notes. <br /> Hugo will host this that describe the City in a copy of The Citi- The photographs ; <br /> summer's biggest cel- of Hugo as it was in Zen, giving insight will be sealed in a <br /> 1906-2006 ebration at Lions Park 2006. into local news at stainless steel box, <br /> in honor of its 100th The buildings the time, a Festival complete with sili- i <br /> year, complete with were selected and Foods advertisement cone dry packets that <br /> Hugo Centennial a family fun run, live photographed by to depict any change will help with pres- <br /> music, firework dis- Hugo resident Deb- in the price of food, a ervation. The box <br /> Time Capsule play and the burying bie Nelson, who 2006 Hugo Fire De- itself will be coated <br /> of a time capsule. wanted to capture the partment calendar, a with an industrial, <br /> Burial Ceremony Residents are in- buildings she thought Golden Spike button airtight sealant — all <br /> gets underway on vited to witness his- should still be here or to commemorate this of which will then be <br /> tory in the making as would look different year's Good Neighbor sealed with concrete. <br /> Tuesday,August 15 the Hugo Centennial in 50 years. Days celebration and City workers will dig <br /> in front of City Hall. Time Capsule Burial Some of those a CD that has the pic- a hole nearly six feet <br /> Ceremony gets un- pictures include the tures of every Hugo deep for the capsule, <br /> The time capsule derway on Tuesday, historic St. John Elementary student which will also be <br /> August 15 in front of the Baptist Catholic from the 2005-2006 encased in concrete. <br /> will not he opened City Hall. The time Church,the Fire Hall, school year. These precautionary <br /> again until 2056. capsule will not be the Hugo Feed Mill, The idea is that steps will protect the <br /> opened again until Carpenter's Steak most of those children box against moisture, <br /> 2056. House and Hugo and will be able to look animals and thieves. <br /> The time Oneka Elemen- back and appreciate A marker will be <br /> tary Schools. the items from inside placed at the site to <br /> H u g o the time capsule once inform everyone of <br /> Mayor Fran it is re-opened. the piece of history <br /> Miron will The new genera- that is beneath their <br /> also write a tions of Hugonians feet. The site will be <br /> State of the will be able to do all on the east side of <br /> City letter, this thanks to metal- Hugo City Hall be- <br /> 4%, <br /> e- <br /> w e 1 c o m- worker extraordinaire tween the Hardwood <br /> E <br /> ing the new and Hugo resident Creek Trail and the <br /> - mayor and Dirk DuBois, who is waterfall, or about <br /> citizens to handcrafting the cap- 100 feet south of the <br /> w, Hugo. Ly- sule. bridge near the gar- <br /> ing on top With a marine den. <br /> 7, :77�77 , ` y of the pic- biology and fine arts The Centennial <br /> tures, the degree from Arizona Commission invites <br /> letter will State University, Du- everyone to come to <br /> Aspecial commemo- <br /> explain Bois has been sculpt- the ceremony and en- <br /> native edition of The Hugo ,s ing metal for 12 years joy a slice of birthday <br /> Citizen was mailed past, as and is more than cake on Tuesday,Au- <br /> to every Hugo Resi- well as qualified to create the gust 15 during Hugo's <br /> dent on August 2. <br /> If you did not illustrate capsule. Centennial Celebra- <br /> receive one,please " the vi- It will only take tion. <br /> stop by city Hall for sion the DuBois,who's volun- <br /> a copy. <br /> � I I <br />