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Downtown Redevelopment Moves Forward <br /> Tax Increment Financing To Be Considered comments Bear. He adds,"It's led to some very <br /> good businesses coming to the community and the <br /> The City of Hugo began working on a downtown creation of jobs." Building on that success,the <br /> redevelopment plan in 1998. Planning moved City is moving forward to have this same financing <br /> forward in 2003 to establish architectural and site method available for use in the downtown redevel- <br /> design standards to ensure a commercial area that opment. <br /> would respect local traditions and fit in with the <br /> character of the City. A community-wide open While the Hugo City Council has authorized City <br /> house was held in 2004 to encourage public input staff to begin the process of implementing TIF, <br /> during this redevelopment planning process.And Minnesota statute requires several tests be con- <br /> now, in 2006,the time has come again to take a ducted to quality for its actual use. "We are going <br /> major step forward in this process. "The City has through the necessary steps right now to determine There was a huge turn <br /> been working for quite some time on a downtown if we qualify,"says Bear. That includes inspec- <br /> redevelopment plan,"notes Hugo Community tions of buildings,calculations on the condition out from the community <br /> Development Director Bryan Bear. He continues, of those buildings and how much the properties at an open house held <br /> "The final step is implementation of that plan." are already developed. If it is determined that the <br /> qualifications are met,then a recommendation January 18 for review <br /> One of the ways that the City has started that from the Hugo Economic Development Authority of the downtown plan, <br /> implementation is with the use of a Tax Increment will be made to the Council asking to formally <br /> Financing(TIF)instrument. There are several adopt a resolution that would create a TIF district. pictured above. <br /> costs involved with any downtown redevelopment, <br /> including property acquisition,relocation and Bear comments, "The feedback that we've <br /> demolition. This can become very expensive for received from the community is that they are <br /> a developer and TIF provides a financing method excited about the City's plans for downtown.They <br /> for the City to assist with those costs. The use would like us to move forward and find the means <br /> A TIF has been an effective means for other cit- necessary to implement that plan,and TIF is a <br /> ies and something that Hugo successfully used valid way of doing so." Hugo Mayor Fran Miron <br /> in the development of its Bald Eagle Industrial adds,"If used properly,TIF can help us immensely <br /> Park. "We've used TIF before and it has worked," in accomplishing our goals and provide some real <br /> opportunities for redevelopment within Hugo." <br /> Meet Nugo's Newest Employees TWO <br /> Community Development Building Department COMMISSIONERS <br /> Intern <br /> Receptionist APPOINTED <br /> Rachel Simone recently joined - ""` Debi Close started in her posi- <br /> the Ci staff as its com- tion as the City's building <br /> t City The Hugo City Council <br /> .f, <br /> munity development intern. department receptionist on <br /> Simone,who started her six- March 20,2006. Although recently appointed Tom <br /> --- month internshipon February she has only been on staff for <br /> �' a short time,Close says,"The Denaway as new com- <br /> 22,2006,works with Hugo <br /> Community Development Director Bryan Bear. people I work with are wonderful. Everyone has missioner on the Hugo <br /> " <br /> He comments,"We've had excellent success with welcomed me with open arms. <br /> Economic Development <br /> our internship program;we've had very high qual- <br /> ity individuals with the program and Rachel is Her main responsibilities in this newly-created Authority(EDA)and <br /> no exception." Her responsibilities range from position include answering calls to help schedule Rachel Berger to the <br /> working on the use of Tax Increment Financing inspection appointments and handling the City's <br /> (TIF)in the City to preparing agendas and taking commercial and residential building permit appli- Parks, Recreation and <br /> minutes for EDA Commission meetings. "I've cations. Close holds a degree from the Minnesota Open Space Advisory <br /> .earned more in the last month and a half that I've Medical and Dental Institute. Before her current <br /> been here than I did in my entire time at school," position, she spent more than 10 years as a recep- Commission. <br /> Simone comments. She adds,"The people here tionist in medical and dental offices and in the <br /> are great." insurance industry. <br /> � I <br />