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E I <br /> Not News From The FireDepartment <br /> First Aid Training Class Held For Hugo El- their names. They will be contacted when further <br /> ementary Teachers details regarding these classes are available. <br /> Hugo Fire Department Rescue Captain Tony <br /> ' Bronk worked with Hugo Elementary School Prin- watch out For Children <br /> cipal Theresa Dahlem to schedule first aid training Now that school is out, Hugo Fire Chief Jim <br /> for elementary school teachers and staff on Saturday, Compton reminds all Hugo residents to watch out <br /> April 16,2005. The class,which was completed by for children riding bicycles or playing along roads. <br /> 21 teachers and paraprofessionals and one parent, He adds, "We just want to remind everyone to take <br /> was the first to be held in the White Bear Lake Area a little extra care and keep our kids safe this sum- <br /> school district,and included first aid,CPR and train- mer." <br /> ing in the use of an automatic defibrillator. Hugo <br /> Fire Chief Jim Compton,Rescue Captain Bronk,and Four Daytime Firefighters Needed <br /> Mayor Fran Miron presented Certificates of Com- The Hugo Fire Department <br /> pletion to the teachers,staff and parent at the May 2, currently has openings for <br /> 2005 City Council meeting. four firefighters who would <br /> be available during daytime <br /> Chief Compton reports that the Hugo Fire De- hours. Complete information <br /> partment is making plans to conduct additional and applications are available `r <br /> classes later this year. Interested residents are asked at the Hugo City Hall. <br /> to call the Hugo City Hall at 651-763-6300 and leave <br /> G(il <br /> Geese:E) <br /> Once thought extinct,the (cave behind. are closed annually due to the the surrounding area.Leave a <br /> "giant"Canada goose sub- accumulation of goose feces dense strip of naturally occur- <br /> NinCities species has increased tenfold Canada Geese Facts or elevated coliform counts in ring trees and shrubs,or a <br /> in two decades in Minnesota •The average Canada goose the water;however,it usually buffer of native grasses and <br /> FreeMarket to more than 200,000 breed- produces 2-4 pounds of cannot be conclusively tied to wildflowers that grow 20-30 <br /> ers. This makes the Canada manure/day(wet weight); goose feces,"said Steve Wild, inches tall in a strip 20-30 <br /> goose one of Minnesota's 1/2 pound(dry weight). chief,Region 3 Division feet wide along the shoreline. <br /> The Free Market is an major wildlife management •Salmonella bacteria can of Migratory Birds,U.S. You'll still be able to see the <br /> online listing service for success stories. persist in wet droppings for Fish and Wildlife Service. lake,but the geese won't! <br /> up to one month. "Goose feces do contain <br /> Washington County residents But success has brought •The usual number of gos- nitrogen and,therefore,they To find out how to imple- <br /> who want to give or get free problems.Canada geese are lings in a clutch is six;egg can increase the fertility of a ment a lakeshore restoration <br /> reusable goods for the home, prolific grazers,preferring incubation is 26 days. lake.However,goose feces project or raingarden,visit <br /> garage and garden. It is part succulent plants such as short •Young geese do not find are only one form of excess the RCWD website at www. <br /> of an effort to reduce the lawn grass. This attracts them mates and nest until they nutrients being deposited in There you will <br /> to golf courses and mowed are three years old;they lakes.The effects of fertilizer find a ten minute"how to <br /> amount of reusable goods be- lawns—including lakeshore mate for life. They some- runoff from lawns and fields overview"movie and a com- <br /> ing thrown away. For more lawns. They like feeding sites times do find another mate likely play a greater role in prehensive planning packet <br /> information,visit the web site with open vistas to see poten- if the first mate dies. increased fertility of larger, that will guide you through <br /> at www.twincitiesfreemar- tial predators and access to •Average life span is 10 deeper lakes than do goose all of the steps from permits <br />, or call Washington lakes and marshes to escape years. droppings." to site design and cost esti- <br /> danger. Lakeshore that is mates to site preparation and <br /> County's Department of Pub- mowed to the water's edge is Health And Water How Do Homeowners planting. <br /> lic Health and Environment an ideal habitat. Because they Quality Concerns Discourage Geese? <br /> at 651-430- are highly social birds that it has been documented that Restoring your shoreline with Adapted from information <br /> 6655. congregate in large groups goose droppings may contain native vegetation is consid- provided by the Minnesota <br /> (except during nesting season) some of the parasites(e.g. ered the most effective long- Lakes Association-submit- <br /> and where there are large giardia,lamblia,cryptospo- term and environmentally ted by Dawn Dubats,RCWD <br /> flocks of geese,there are ridium)and bacteria that sound method of reducing Environmental Education <br /> large amounts of goose drop- affect humans,but the actual goose problems to individual Coordinator <br /> pings.As much as people like infection of people with these yards and lawns.Canada <br /> to watch geese,they aren't parasites or bacteria are rare. geese avoid using areas where <br /> too wild about what the geese "Many swimming beaches plants obstruct their view of <br /> i I 1 <br />