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Hugo City Hall • 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo, Minnesota 55038 <br /> Downtown Redevelopment Master <br /> Plan Nears <br /> A joint meeting of the for the next steps and site design stan- spring 2004, in coor- <br /> Hugo City Council and in the City's down- dards that will create a dination with the City <br /> the City's Planning town redevelopment. commercial area that and St. John the Baptist <br /> Commission was held Hugo Community respects the local tradi- Church officials,it was <br /> on June 28,2004,at Development Director tions and fits in with the determined that the new <br /> which architect and Bryan Bear states that character of the com- roadway alignment will <br /> urban planner Carolyn these"would include munity. intersect TH 61 just <br /> Krall of Landform pre- development of a mar- south of the existing <br /> sented members with ket study, site guide- Another important church parking lot. <br /> a final plan for down- lines and a text portion component in the plan- <br /> town redevelopment. to go with the map nig for the downtown Smooth traffic flow at <br /> The Council endorsed that was created—to redevelopment has been the intersection of TH <br /> the plan,with some explain what the map the CSAH 8/14 realign- 61 and County Road <br /> changes,but did not means and what sort ment project. "CSAH 8 is essential for the <br /> give final approval. of character the down- 8/14 directly impacts <br /> town would have." downtown redevelop- <br /> The endorsement Throughout this pro- ment and the two proj- Redevelopment <br /> from the Council pro- cess,it has been a goal ects are intertwined," Continued On <br /> vides a starting point to develop architectural says Bear. In early Page 4 <br /> Hugo Residents To Elect Mayor And Two <br /> City Council Members <br /> = In the November 2,2004 general election,Hugo residents will elect a Mayor, a City Council member for <br /> Ward 2,and an At-large Council Member. The Mayor will serve a two-year term,and the City Council <br /> members will serve four-year terms beginning January 1,2005. <br /> lop .- If you are interested in running for these positions,you must file an Affidavit of Candidacy,along with a <br /> $2 filing fee,with the City Clerk at the Hugo City Hall between August 24 and September 7. A mayoral <br /> • ' candidate must be a resident of the City of Hugo,and a City Council candidate must be a resident of his <br /> or her ward,for at least 30 days prior to the general election. Candidates must also be at least 21 years <br /> old and be eligible to vote in Minnesota. Any questions regarding running for office may be directed to <br /> City Clerk Mary Ann Creager at 651-762-6311. <br />