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The latest News 4n CSAN 8/14 Realignment <br /> The fourth public informational meeting regarding The tentative timetable for completion of the proj- <br /> the realignment of CSAH 8/14 will be held at the ect is: <br /> Hugo City Hall on Monday,August 30,2004 from - Property Appraisals–June to September R Q A D <br /> 4:00 p.m.until 7:00 p.m. There will be no formal 2004 <br /> presentation–the meeting will be in an informal - Right-of-Way Acquisition–August to WORK <br /> open house format,and is designed to provide any- December 2004 <br /> one interested in the project with an opportunity - Project Design,Permits,Approvals–January AH E A D <br /> to review and comment on the preliminary plans 2005 <br /> being developed. Representatives from the coun- - Start Construction–Spring 2005 <br /> ty and City will be available to answer questions, - End Construction–Fall 2006 <br /> receive comments,and provide the latest project <br /> information. If you are not able to attend the meeting but have <br /> concerns, comments,or would like more <br /> The road will follow the existing alignment from information,please contact project <br /> 1-35 to approximately one-half mile west of TH 61, coordinator Chris Manthey at 651- <br /> where it will curve to the south and intersect with 430-4316 or by a-mail at chris. <br /> TH 61 just south of St.John the Baptist Church. manthey@co.washington. <br /> Proposed improvements include expanding the <br /> roadway to four lanes and adding turn lanes, a <br /> center median, a pedestrianibicycle path,and new <br /> drainage systems. 1�,' <br /> EGA Commission To Be Established <br /> The Hugo City Tom Denaway. "The EDA will bring business <br /> Council voted 5- into Hugo which will,in the end,grow the City's Applications for <br /> 0 at its Monday, tax base and provide for more amenities for its <br /> July 19,2004 citizens," says Hugo City Council member Frank the fine citizen <br /> meeting to estab- Puleo. seats on the EDA <br /> lish an Economic <br /> Development While new business has come to Hugo and those are available at <br /> Authority(EDA). At this meeting,the Council already established have expanded,"it's been much <br /> adopted an enabling resolution to create the EDA to their own merit and their own energies,"says Hugo City Hall <br /> and to re-form it to include public members as well Hugo Mayor Fran Miron. "We want that to contin- <br /> andare due <br /> as Council members. The seven-member commis- ue,but with a little more help and encouragement <br /> sion will include two Council members and five from the community—and the EDA has afforded Friday,August <br /> citizens. that opportunity,"he notes. <br /> 20,2004. <br /> With the establishment of the EDA,the City is Once the citizen appointments are made by Mayor <br /> taking an active role in trying to foster develop- Miron and the Council,the EDA will begin to <br /> ment and continue growth in the City,according to meet,like the City's other commissions,on a regu- <br /> the staff report prepared by Administrative Intern lar basis. <br />