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2004 June Newsletter
2004 June Newsletter
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�ti 1 <br /> Hugo City Hall • 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo, Minnesota 55038 <br /> Hugo Bond Rating City Considers Using <br /> Jumps From A3 to Al Tax Abatement <br /> The City of Hugo's bond rating was recently The City of Hugo is considering the use of tax <br /> upgraded from A3 to Al by Moody's,one of the abatement to help fund the CSAH 8/14 realign- <br /> country's major investment services. Having been ment project.Tax abatement is a financing tool <br /> rated A3 for five years,Hugo was able to com- that allows cities to use property taxes from a par- <br /> pletely skip A2 and move directly to Al due to the ticular geographic area to fund a specific project. <br /> strength of its financial condition. "Moody's rec- Hugo Mayor Fran Miron notes,"Use of tax abate- <br /> ognized the direction the Council has been moving ment for this project follows the Council's policy <br /> and the fiscal responsibility that's been shown and that development is going to pay its own way in <br /> felt the ranking was appropriate,"comments Hugo Hugo. This means that taxes collected within this <br /> Mayor Fran Miron. developing area will pay for necessary improve- <br /> ments because of that development." <br /> The City Council increased the City's reserve fund <br /> from 35 to 50 percent. Careful planning over the For the CSAH 8/14 project,the City of Hugo <br /> past four years in areas such as housing develop- would request that the property.taxes in the <br /> ment,water and sewer,new school and economic Everton/Elmcrest Study Area go directly to fund <br /> development contributed favorably to Hugo's CSAH 8/14 rather than the usual procedure of first <br /> improved rating. "This policy decision, along going to Washington County and then to the City. <br /> with the fiscal management that's been demon- "Those within the abatement would still pay prop- <br /> strated,are major reasons we achieved the rating erty taxes based on their valuation,but those taxes <br /> we did," states Miron. This new rating will save would be dedicated to paying for these improve- <br /> the City money by reducing the interest it must ments,"notes Mayor Fran Miron. <br /> pay on future bonds and improves the rate for <br /> outstanding debts. Miron adds,"This savings in Tax Abatement <br /> interest will be passed on to the citizens." Continued on Page 3 <br /> Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan Hears Completion <br /> +• An open house was held planning and urban design,to <br /> •,.- at Hugo City Hall on May assist the City in updating and ' <br /> 10,2004 where conceptual finalizing its downtown plan. <br /> + designs for the new Downtown ' <br /> ` •• Redevelopment Master Plan Landform relied heavily on <br /> were presented to approxi- input from the community, <br /> mately 80 Hugo residents and including business owners,Citi- ` <br /> business people. Work on the zens,Planning Commission, Residents and business people look over the <br /> plan began in September 2003 master plan for the new Downtown Hugo. <br /> when the Hugo City Council Downtown <br /> hired Landform,a consultant for Continued on Page 3 <br />
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