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s — <br /> Hugo City Hall 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo, Minnesota 55038 <br /> for 2004 <br /> Year In Review Cin <br /> The year 2003 saw the completion of several The Hugo City Council once again held its in- <br /> significant community projects in Hugo. Through nual goal-setting session in January. "I'm really <br /> a great deal of time,effort,teamwork,and the pleased that the Council goes through this pro- <br /> participation and input of Hugo residents,the City cess,"notes Mayor Fran Miron. "It gives both the <br /> Council and staff were able to accomplish some Council and the staff clear direction as to where <br /> very important goals. Below is a brief look at the we're headed." City Council member Chuck Haas <br /> major projects and events that took place last year agrees,adding,"It's a worthwhile exercise that <br /> in Hugo. encourages communication between the Council, <br /> the staff,and the residents. It shows that we are <br /> Voters Approve New Hugo Elementary School looking ahead and planning,and then making our <br /> In the November 4,2003 election,residents in decisions to see that the goals are accomplished." <br /> the White Bear Lake Area School District#624 The Council identified the following top ten goals <br /> voted in favor of a bond issue to construct a new for the City of Hugo in 2004: <br /> elementary school in Hugo and to remodel the <br /> existing school.Support from Hugo residents GOAL#1 Develop a downtown transpor- <br /> was crucial and was largely a result of a strong tation plan and install a traffic <br /> campaign by"Partners for Building,"a volunteer signal at 147th Street&TH 61. As downtown <br /> group made up of community leaders,people redevelopment occurs(see Goal#2),the Council <br /> from the school board,and parents. Plans for a wants to make sure that an effective transporta- <br /> new Hugo elementary school had been underway tion plan for downtown City streets is also in <br /> for more than two years in a cooperative effort place. Adding a traffic signal on TH 61 at 147th <br /> between the City,the school district,local devel- Street is an important part of this plan. <br /> opers,and other interested residents and groups. <br /> The City of Hugo agreed to donate 30 acres of GOAL#2 Finalize the downtown rede- <br /> land to the school district and provide infrastruc- velopment plan and design <br /> ture improvements for the school site—a package standards. This goal is to develop architectural <br /> worth$2.5 million. and site design standards that will create a com- <br /> mercial area that respects the local traditions and <br /> Growth of Public Works Department fits in with the character of the community. Work <br /> In 2003,the City's Public Works Department took on the plan began in September 2003 when the <br /> over complete responsibility for snow plowing Council hired Landform,a Minneapolis planning <br /> and other maintenance operations formerly per- and engineering firm,to assist the City in updat- <br /> '�: formed by Washington County. A motor grader ing and finalizing the downtown plan,but it was <br /> and plow truck were added to the department's put on hold until the CSAH 8/14 realignment was <br /> ++ +• ' equipment inventory,and a space needs study for determined. <br /> a new public works facility was completed. At <br /> the November 17,2003 meeting,the Hugo City GGA #3 Continue collaboration with the <br /> ' + ' ' + • Council approved a plan to build a 16,000-20,000 White Bear Lake Area School <br /> + + square foot facility on the Rice Lake property. District in planning for Hugo elementary <br /> + Plans and specifications for the building were ap- schools. Following voters'approval of the bond <br /> proved in January 2004. issue in the November general election,City of- <br /> ficials and residents continue to work very closely <br /> in collaboration with the school district in the <br /> Year In Review:Continued on Page 2 2004 City Goals:Continued on Page 7 <br /> I <br />