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,xF <br /> latest News On USAN 8/14 <br /> Following a formal hearing held on December 9, during the winter and spring months gathering <br /> 2003,an administrative law judge recommended information for the final design and property <br /> that the Commissioner of the Minnesota Depart- acquisition. "They will be working within the <br /> ment of Transportation grant the City's petition to entire study area,from 140th Street to 147th ROAD <br /> establish a railroad crossing for the 142nd/143rd Street,"she states. For more information on the <br /> Street alignment chosen for County State Aid project,contact Manthey at 651-430-4316 or by WORK <br /> Highway(CSAH)8/14. Based on the strength e-mail at, AH u <br /> of the City's position and the evidence presented, or visit the Washington County website at L.� <br /> Hugo City Attorney Dave Snyder expects that <br /> final approval will be obtained,most likely by the <br /> end of February. <br /> Snyder explains that the process involved prepar- Planning Commissioner <br /> ing a lengthy application that included technical, <br /> environmental,and design information. "The Theodora Peltier Resigns <br /> City then prepared its arguments and other <br /> data in support of the crossing,and presented After over 44 years of public service,Theodora Pel- <br /> that evidence to the judge,who then tested the tier resigned as Hugo Planning Commissioner on <br /> evidence against a set of statutory criteria used to December 31,2003. Peltier was first hired as the <br /> evaluate the request." He adds,"Officials from Town Clerk by the Oneka Township Board in 1959, <br /> both the City of Hugo and Washington County and she was instrumental in the merger of Oneka <br /> presented testimony at the hearing. The City and Township and the Village of Hugo in 1972,serving <br /> County worked cooperatively to get the crossing on the first elected City Council. She was a long- <br /> approved." time member of the Planning Commission and has <br /> been a community leader who has been involved in <br /> Design coordinator Chris Manthey of Washing- many projects that have improved the City. <br /> ton County notes that County crews will be out <br /> Planning Commission Chairperson Dave Schumann <br /> comments,"In many ways,I've tried to model <br /> my approach to permits and City business in the <br /> Cltv Looking TO Acquire manner of Teddy. It's a humanitarian approach <br /> that looks at how the City's ordinances can be <br /> Land For Parks applied to a resident's situation,rather than how <br /> that resident can comply with the ordinance,and it winter Parking <br /> The City of Hugo would like to acquire land <br /> epitomizes what we actually are—public servants." <br /> He adds,"Teddy has the highest ethical standards, Ordinance <br /> for neighborhood parks,active recreational <br /> areas, and open spaces. "We are primarily and we wish her well in her retirement from public <br /> service." Please remember that <br /> interested in land located in the central por- Hugo's winter parking <br /> tion of the City,"explains City Administrator <br /> Mike Ericson,"but we wouldn't rule out any Hugo resident Victoria Hoffbeck was chosen from ordinance,effective <br /> a group of five applicants to be the City's newest November 1 through <br /> parcel of 20 to 100 acres suitable for active planning Commissioner. When asked why she March 31,states that no <br /> recreation purposes." Funds for purchasing for the position,Hoffbeck cited a desire <br /> this land come from the City's park dedication applied p parking is allowed on <br /> fund,which is obtained from new develop- to volunteer in the community and to see the City any street in the City <br /> of Hugo grow and have an effectively planned between the hours 2:00 <br /> ment in the City. A$1,800 fee is collected environment well into the future. "My personal a.m.and 7:00 a.m. Out- <br /> and deposited into this fund when new resi- goal is to have a progressive yet unique,family- side of those dates,the <br /> dential lots are created. oriented city—a good`hometown'that's enjoyable same restric- <br /> for everyone." Schumann adds,"I think Victoria is tions apply <br /> Anyone who is interested in selling land to going to be a very positive addition to the Planning if there is a <br /> the City of Hugo is asked to contact City Commission. I also want to extend my apprecia- snow ac- <br /> Administrator Mike Ericson at City Hall or tion to all those who applied—it was one of the best cumulation <br /> Parks Commission member Pete Pedersen at groups we've ever had,and I hope they continue to of 2 inches <br /> 651-426-4126. be involved in the City." or more. <br />