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2004 City Goals:Continued from Page 1 <br /> facility planning,site planning,and naming for GOAL#] Update the master parks plan. <br /> both the new Hugo elementary school and the exist- This involves revising the 1998 <br /> ing school. master parks plan,the guiding document for the de- t <br /> velopment of neighborhood parks in the City,tak- <br /> F Determine the appropriate form ing into consideration the strong residential growth <br /> for a Hugo Economic Develop- that has occurred in Hugo over the past five years. <br /> ment Authority(EDA). The EDA is responsible <br /> for economic development issues in the City,essen- GOAL##8 Implement and fund the pave- <br /> tially working in three areas: keeping businesses ment management program. <br /> in the community,helping existing businesses that There are many older roads in Hugo that need to <br /> want to expand,and attracting new businesses to be reconstructed. Having identified these roads <br /> the community. The City Council currently oper- and adopted a street assessment policy,the goal for <br /> ates as the EDA for Hugo,but they have deter- 2004 is to determine a funding source and begin <br /> mined that the City has reached the development restoring these streets. <br /> stage where it is important to discuss these issues <br /> on a regular basis,and will consider appointing a GOAL#9 Review the salary structure for <br /> separate City Commission to act as EDA. City employees. The City plans <br /> - to hire a consulting firm to perform a compensa- <br /> GOAL#5 Construct a new public works tion classification study to update the standardized <br /> facility on the Rice Lake property. employee salary matrix adopted in 2001. <br /> A space needs study was completed last year,and <br /> in January,the City Council approved the plans and GOA(#10 Make the City of Hugo the Lo- <br /> specifications for the new public works building cal Government Unit(LGU)for <br /> and authorized the architect to advertise for bids. storm water management planning and imple- <br /> The goal is to construct a facility that will effective- ment a storm water management fee to cover <br /> ly serve Hugo's public works needs and to occupy the costs. The Rice Creek Watershed District <br /> that building by the end of 2004. (RCWD)is currently the LGU for Hugo—that is, <br /> the governmental body that determines how storm <br /> GOAL#6 Complete multiple City parks water management is implemented. Under author- <br /> projects. This goal includes: ity granted by the State legislature,Hugo can take <br /> acquiring land for a state-of-the-art ball field over that authority from RCWD and provide these <br /> complex;acquiring additional property for the services at a local level. However,it is complex <br /> development and redevelopment of parks;develop- work and requires a fair amount of staff time,so a <br /> ing Oneka Ponds Park,the 10-acre parcel of land reasonable fee would need to be implemented to <br /> immediately adjacent to Bernin's Christmas tree cover the costs involved. <br /> farm;and identifying trail connections to achieve a <br /> linked interior trail system. <br /> Follow The Snowmobile Rules <br /> Snowmobile operators preparing to hit the trails need to be aware of the following regulations that <br /> govern snowmobile use in Hugo: <br /> • You may ride on City streets to access the trail. You are allowed to ride in ditch bottoms or the <br /> outside slopes of county and state highways. <br /> • One-half hour past sunset and while riding on local streets,you must stay on the right edge fol- <br /> lowing traffic. <br /> • No studs or metal traction devices may be used on the Hardwood Creek Trail. If you have <br /> studs,you must stay on the west side of the trail away from the paved portion. <br /> • County Road 8 from Goodview to the Anoka County line is closed to snowmobiles and ATVs. . <br /> The City's goal is to protect everyone's safety. Please contact the Hugo City Hall at 651-762- <br /> 6300 for a copy of the complete snowmobile ordinance. <br />