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City Tax Rate To Decrease . <br /> Seven Percent In 2004 <br /> Although building permit revenues are expected and recruit firefighters. With interest rates at his- <br /> to remain constant for the third consecutive year, toric lows,the City borrowed funds for a heavy <br /> Hugo's property tax rate will decrease by 7% rescue vehicle slated for purchase in 2004. The <br /> next year. City staff,at the direction of the City funds were borrowed for less than 2%and will <br /> Council,assembled an operating budget that be repaid over a five-year period. <br /> increases spending less than 3%,yet allocates <br /> additional resources to the fire and public works The City also continues to staff and equip a pub- <br /> departments. lic works department to take over road mainte- <br /> nance and snow removal services previously <br /> The total property tax levy proposed for 2004 is contracted with Washington County. Included in <br /> $2,659,983,which is $253,293 higher than the the budget are funds for a new road grader and <br /> previous year. Of this increase, $145,936 is several plow trucks. Again,these big-ticket <br /> needed to pay principal and interest on bonds. items will be purchased with borrowed funds. <br /> The remaining$107,357 of the increase is need- <br /> ed to replace a portion of the state aid that was City officials anticipate a continued strong <br /> cut by the legislature. reliance on property taxes to balance the budget. <br /> Property taxes account for approximately 80%of <br /> The City continues its commitment to upgrade general fund operating revenues,up from 52% <br /> and replace antiquated fire department trucks and two years ago. This is directly related to the loss <br /> equipment,as well as provide incentives to keep of state aid and anticipated building activity. <br /> Hugo Historical Commission Collaborates With Other <br /> Area Historical Groups <br /> On October 23,Carrie Meyers,Vi Maslowski, and Kitty Cheesebrow attended a special program and din- <br /> ner at Woody's Restaurant,sponsored by the White Bear Lake Area Historical Society,who had contact- <br /> ed the Hugo Historical Commission to get information about hunting and harvesting in the Hugo/White <br /> Bear Lake area between 1850 and 1950. They interviewed Joe and Quentin Marier and Marcel and Clara <br /> Miron, and offered to share the results of their research for Hugo's archives. Commission Chair Kitty <br /> Cheesebrow notes, "We had a great dinner and a wonderful time listening to the program as it outlined <br /> the changing history of hunting,fishing,and trapping in the Hugo area since the first settlers came here." <br /> The Commission was invited to hold its November meeting at the new Little Canada Historical Society <br /> History Center. Their host was Al Dahlquist,a genealogy researcher who specializes in French Canadian <br /> immigration to the area,which includes White Bear Lake,Little Canada,Vadnais Heights,and Hugo. <br /> Another of his specialties is mapping and documenting historic cemeteries. Al's grandmother was born <br /> in Hugo, so he has strong family roots here and has decided to be an active volunteer with the Hugo ' <br /> Historical Commission. Cheesebrow states, "We welcome Al with open arms, and we hope to be able to <br /> collaborate our research efforts with Little Canada and other community historical groups." <br /> The Historical Commission is also very grateful to the Bald Eagle Sportsman's Association for their$500 <br /> donation. "We feel honored and excited about the opportunities that these additional funds open to us in <br /> the coming year," states Cheesebrow. <br /> The Hugo Historical Commission continues to welcome residents'photos,documents,journals,and any <br /> key historical dates or information they may have regarding Hugo's history. For more information about <br /> the Hugo Historical Commission,or if you would like to help by volunteering or donating your historical <br /> items,contact City Administrator Mike Ericson at 651-762-6312 or Kitty Cheesebrow at 651-429-6560 <br /> or by e-mail at <br /> � j <br />