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New School:Continued from Page 1 <br /> nity events,and making phone calls to likely vot- ty." Haas adds, "Most important is what this tells <br /> ers. "We knew that Hugo could make or break our kids. It says that they matter—that their edu- <br /> this," Lacher explains. "Certainly there were ben- cation is important to us." <br /> efits to the whole district,but we knew the <br /> biggest stakeholders in this were people in Hugo. Next Steps <br /> OUR That's why we worked so hard to make sure that The school board met on November 24 to put <br /> THAT THEIR Hugo residents were informed and to build excite- together a steering committee for each project,as <br /> ment about a new school." well as a naming committee to determine a name <br /> EDUCATION IS for the new school and the existing Hugo <br /> A Collaborative Effort Elementary. These committees will be led by <br /> IMPORTANT <br /> Plans for the new Hugo elementary school have school board members and will include appropri- <br /> been underway for almost two years in a coopera- ate members of the district administration and <br /> tive effort between the City,the school district, community members. Community input will be <br /> local developers Len Pratt and Jim Peterson,and encouraged,and plans are already underway for <br /> other interested residents and groups. The City of public forums to be held to actively solicit citizen <br /> Hugo agreed to donate to the school district 30 input about grade configuration for the two <br /> acres of land and provide infrastructure improve- schools. The school district's goal is to obtain <br /> ments for the school site—a package worth$2.5 construction bids by late spring of 2004 and to <br /> million. break ground by early fall. <br /> "This is the first time in all the years that I've Once the new school is open in the fall of 2006, <br /> served on the City Council that we have worked renovations will begin on the existing Hugo <br /> so collaboratively with the school district," states Elementary School. It is expected to be able to <br /> Hugo Mayor Fran Miron. "The governing body reopen in the fall of 2008 without the portable <br /> of a city isn't necessarily responsible for educa- classrooms and with a capacity of 500 students. <br /> tion or planning for schools,but I think it makes Blaesing notes, "The new building is going to be <br /> sense-because of the quality of life that schools quite nice,but when we have renovated the exist' <br /> provide in an area. I'm really pleased that we ing building,you're going to see a very impres- <br /> started an initiative such as this." Susan Brott sive school." <br /> adds, "It's been a great partnership. The school <br /> board has said numerous times how much they <br /> appreciated and enjoyed working with the Hugo <br /> city administration,the Council, and the Mayor." <br /> Impact For Hugo <br /> New Winter <br /> "I think the new school is going to have a mayor <br /> impact on the quality of life here in Hugo," states <br /> Mayor Miron. Chuck Haas believes the new Parking <br /> school will provide a great economic benefit to <br /> the City. "Good schools are important," he notes. r '�a n <br /> "The interest in our community to locate busi <br /> ce <br /> nesses and homes will be enhanced." Susan Brott <br /> agrees, saying, "Having the new school in Hugo Earlier this year,the Hugo City Council <br /> will draw people into the community. Having a adopted a new parking ordinance for the win- <br /> referendum pass shows community support for <br /> public education,and that's the kind of communi- ter season. From November 1 through March <br /> ty people want to raise their kids in." 31,no parking is allowed on any street in the <br /> Having a second elementary school in Hugo will City between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. <br /> help alleviate the overcrowding in the existing <br /> school and avoid further busing and shifting of Outside of those dates,the same restrictions <br /> attendance boundaries. "It's best for students if apply if there is a snow accumulation of 2 <br /> they can learn in a neighborhood school," Brott pp y <br /> states. Pauline Lacher notes, "Having a neighbor- inches or more. <br /> hood school is important for building communi- <br /> i <br />