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Is� <br /> A <br /> MR, _- <br /> i <br /> r <br /> Hugo City Hall • 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo, Minnesota 55038 <br /> VotersToDecide On New Hugo <br /> Elementary <br /> School board members for the White Bear Lake Council has officially endorsed the proposed new <br /> Area School District#624 voted unanimously at school,voting on September 15 to draft a resolu- <br /> their September 8,2003 meeting to place two tion in support of the bond issue. Hugo Mayor <br /> questions before the voters in the upcoming Fran Miron states, "The school system has a <br /> November 4 general election. direct impact on our quality of life, so we're excit- <br /> ed about the possibility of a new school—and in <br /> The first question asks school district residents to particular the collaborative effort between the <br /> approve the issuance of$28.2 million in bonds to school district and the City." <br /> accomplish four things: <br /> Enrollment projections show substantial growth <br /> • Construct a new elementary school in Hugo to taking place in Hugo in the next 10 years,with <br /> open in the fall of 2006 and accommodate 750 over 700 elementary school students expected by <br /> students in grades K-5. 2006 and over 1,200 by 2011. Superintendent <br /> • Renovate and remodel the existing Hugo ele- Ted Blaesing explains that the current Hugo ele- <br /> mentary school to accommodate 500 students. mentary school is already over capacity, and the <br /> This would be done after the new school is district has already done everything it can to <br /> built and be finished by the fall of 2008. accommodate increasing enrollments. "We've <br /> • Renovate the community theatre at Central added six modular classrooms to the existing <br /> Middle School in White Bear Lake and bring it building," he notes, "and we've shifted attendance <br /> into compliance with the Americans with boundaries several times to move students out of <br /> Disabilities Act(ADA). <br /> • Construct locker room improvements at both SCHOOL CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 <br /> campuses of the high school to bring them into <br /> compliance with federal Title IX requirements. <br /> Proposed Hugo Elementary <br /> The second question is a capital improvement School—Vital Statistics <br /> levy asking residents to authorize spending of <br /> $500,000 per year for up to 10 years for the pur- <br /> chase of computers and technology,library books, Grade level: W. <br /> 750 <br /> � textbooks,science equipment,pianos and other Student capacity: <br /> � Location: Approximately 30 acres in the <br /> musical equipment used for choirs and bands. <br /> Everton Avenue neighborhood,north of <br /> Plans for the proposed new Hugo elementary Wagner Greenhouses <br /> school have been under way for almost two years Additional amenities: Playground,gymnasi- <br /> in a cooperative effort between the City,the um,and ball fields <br /> school district,local developers Len Pratt and Jim Proposed opening date: Fall 2006 <br /> Peterson, and other interested residents and Estimated cost: $19 million <br /> groups. The City of Hugo has agreed to donate to <br /> the school district 30 acres of land and provide Land and infrastructure worth$2.5 million <br /> infrastructure improvements for the school site— donated to the school district by the City of <br /> Hugo. <br /> a package worth$2.5 million. The Hugo City <br />