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E I <br /> Tri=Cities Coalition Continues Study Of <br /> Transportation And land Use Issues <br /> The Cities of Hugo,Lino Lakes,and Centerville out a lot of specific development and transporta- <br /> FREEWAY <br /> have formed a coalition to address important tion concerns that not every other community or <br /> ENTRANCE <br /> transportation and land use issues affecting the agency may have been aware of,"Van Wormer <br /> area around I-35E. The Tri-Cities Coalition has notes. Hugo Mayor Fran Miron agrees, calling <br /> grown to include the City of Forest Lake, the bus tour an "eye-opener,"revealing the extent AMISMA <br /> Columbus Township,Washington and Anoka of development occurring within all of the com- <br /> Counties,the Minnesota Department of munities,as well as the need for improvements <br /> Transportation, and the Metropolitan Council. in the public transportation infrastructure. <br /> Glen Van Wormer, Senior Transportation <br /> Engineer with the engineering firm of SEH, Kate Garwood,Multimodal Transportation <br /> worked on a transportation corridor study for Manager with Anoka County,has been active <br /> I-35E in Ramsey county several years ago,and with the Coalition and organized the August bus <br /> has been using his expertise in this area to help tour. "I think one of the most powerful things <br /> the Coalition members communicate and plan about the Coalition is that we recognize that the <br /> cooperatively. He sees three primary purposes boundaries between communities are just imagi- <br /> for the group: nary lines," she states. "There is an interdepend- <br /> ence,and it's only responsible of us to plan <br /> 1) Develop a cohesive transportation system in together to coordinate our transportation needs." <br /> the area. Garwood gives credit to Hugo City officials for <br /> 2) Balance land use and the transportation sys- taking the lead in building this Coalition,and <br /> tem. encourages Hugo citizens to make their opinions <br /> 3) Identify, develop,and support regional known. She adds, "Our residents drive these <br /> transportation system improvements. roads every day and observe things about the <br /> road system that we, even as professionals, <br /> Coalition representatives participated in a bus might not. They could help a lot by talking to <br /> tour of the area in August to get a close-up look their Council member about any transportation <br /> at each of the communities. "The tour pointed ideas or concerns they might have." <br /> City looking to Acquire Rural and Open Space <br /> Committee <br /> Land for Parks Preservation Criteria <br /> The City of Hugo would like to acquire land <br /> for neighborhood parks,active recreational The Rural and Open Space Committee continues <br /> areas,and open spaces. "We are primarily to meet on a regular basis to fulfill its mission to <br /> interested in land located in the central por- develop methods to preserve open space and the <br /> tion of the City," explains Community rural heritage of Hugo. They are currently at <br /> Development Director John Rask, "but we <br /> wouldn't rule out any parcel of 20 to 100 work on a preservation criteria which would be <br /> acres suitable for active recreation purposes." used to evaluate the preservation value of a given <br /> Funds for purchasing this land come from the parcel of land. Committee member Chuck Haas <br /> City's park dedication fund,which is obtained notes that the committee has also begun to look at <br /> from new development in the City. A$1,800 <br /> fee is collected and deposited into this fund other land planning tools,in addition to transfer <br /> when new residential lots are created. of development rights, including revisiting Hugo's <br /> Anyone who is interested in selling land to the cluster housing ordinance to see if modifications <br /> City of Hugo is asked to contact City <br /> Administrator Mike Ericson at City Hall or might be necessary. The public is welcome to <br /> Parks Commission member Pete Pedersen at attend all meetings of the committee, which are <br /> 651-426-4126 held on the third Wednesday of each month at <br /> 6:30 p.m. at the Hugo City Hall. <br />