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2003 October Newsletter
2003 October Newsletter
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Hugo Resident Receives <br /> 2003 "Eleven Who Care" Award <br /> Hugo resident Pete Pedersen was recently hon- is to work these people through a process,where, <br /> ored by local television station KARE 11 when he if they agree,there is eventually a one-on-one <br /> was named one of their 2003 "Eleven Who Care" meeting between the two of them with me there <br /> award winners. Pedersen was recognized for his as the official third party," explains Pedersen. <br /> 28 years of volunteer work with the Amicus pro- "The objective of this program is to help the vic- <br /> gram,which helps people in Twin Cities area tim get rid of all of the anger and all of the ques- . <br /> prisons maintain contact with individuals in the tions he or she may have. It's an interesting,help- <br /> community,and eventually helps transition them ful, and often emotional process." <br /> back into society. <br /> In addition to his work with these two programs, <br /> "Amicus is a one-on-one program where a volun- Pedersen is also a charter member of the Hugo <br /> teer agrees to visit with an inmate twice a month," Parks Commission,where he has worked on Hugo resident Pete <br /> states Pedersen. "The objective is to develop a property acquisition for the past five years. He is Pedersen—Recipient of <br /> friendship, so that when the inmate is released,he also active in the Hugo Lion's Club,volunteers "Eleven Who Care" <br /> or she has one person who can act as a mentor to with Habitat for Humanity through his 3M retiree Award <br /> help them through their transition back into the program,and works each year for the American <br /> community." Pedersen has worked with prisoners Cancer Society's world's largest garage sale. <br /> at both Stillwater State and Oak Park Heights <br /> prisons. At Oak Park Heights,he has also visited Pedersen's "Eleven Who Care" award included a <br /> with men who are in segregation and are locked $1,100 donation to the Amicus program made by <br /> up for 23 hours each day. "These men have virtu- KARE 11,and he was featured in a live televised <br /> ally no contact with anyone but the staff," he awards ceremony. Pedersen also received a con- <br /> explains. "I stand outside their door and speak gratulatory certificate of appreciation for all of his <br /> .hrough the glass." volunteer work from the Hugo City Council at its <br /> September 15,2003 meeting. "Pete is a strong <br /> Pedersen is also involved in a restorative justice overall volunteer who has served the City in <br /> program with Washington County called Victim- many ways over the years," states Hugo Mayor <br /> Offender Conferencing, in which volunteers Fran Miron. "We are fortunate to have Pete liv- <br /> mediate between victims and offenders. "My job ing and volunteering in our community." <br /> Downtown Planning Process Revisited <br /> At its September 2,2003 meeting,the Hugo City Hugo's "downtown" can be described as going <br /> Council hired Landform, a Minneapolis planning from Nadeau's Market to the Post Office,prima- <br /> and engineering firm,to assist the City in updat- rily along Highway 61. Expected components of <br /> ing and finalizing a redevelopment master plan the plan include location of roadways and build- <br /> for downtown Hugo. Using a"charrette"process ings,provisions for sewer and water,traffic flow, <br /> similar to the community visioning process held and architectural standards. <br /> in 2001,Landform will rely heavily on input <br /> from City staff,the City Council,the Planning City Council Member Mike Granger states, <br /> Commission,current and potential business own- "Because of Hugo's growth,we have a demand <br /> ers, and the general public to produce a revised from residents for additional services in the <br /> downtown plan. "The end result will essentially downtown area. We have new businesses that <br /> be an update of the downtown plan we put want to come into Hugo and existing business <br /> together in 1998," explains Community that want to expand." He goes on to say, "We <br /> Development Director John Rask, "taking into don't want our downtown to be a hodgepodge of <br /> consideration the changes that have occurred development. It's important to have an actual <br /> since then—especially the new realignment of plan in writing—so that we have the appropriate <br /> County Road 8." infrastructure in place,and so that we have some <br /> guidelines for things like zoning,building place- <br /> For residents who may be new to the area, ment,and architectural design." <br />
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