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WEST ONEKA LAKE DRAINAGE SYSTEM <br /> PROJECT UNDERWAY <br /> As part of a comprehensive storm water manage- City's Trunk Stormwater Fund,which developers <br /> ment plan for the area south of 165th Street pay into when they develop their property. <br /> between Highway 61 and Oneka Lake,the City <br /> has hired Fyles Excavating of Monticello to "Overall,I think this will have a very positive <br /> make major improvements to the existing effect on the area," states City Council member <br /> drainage way along Highway 61. Hugo's Water Becky Petryk. "It's much better if we have a <br /> Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring describes system that is efficient,easy to maintain,and <br /> the project as cleaning out the drainage system economical. And with a regional plan in place, <br /> along Highway 61 between 165th and 152nd everyone involved has more information to make <br /> Streets by deepening and widening it,as well as planning decisions—both the City and the prop- <br /> 3 adding upgraded culverts at road crossings. erty owners, as they decide to transition, devel- <br /> Currently a private drainage way that affects op,or preserve their property." Petryk also sees <br /> about a dozen property owners,the newly the opportunity for a green corridor to develop in <br /> upgraded drainage way will become part of the that area. <br /> City's drainage system. <br /> Community Development Director John Rask <br /> In addition to providing a drainage system that sees the project as something that not only alle- <br /> will function much more effectively,the project viates drainage and flooding problems in the <br /> will also include making corrections to the exist- area,but as an opportunity to proactively plan <br /> ing Federal Emergency Management Agency for any future development that may occur. He <br /> (FEMA)flood plain map. Willenbring explains, notes, "The city was asked to do the project by <br /> "The current FEMA map has areas on either side all the landowners. We will now have a regional <br /> of this drainage way defined as in the flood system to handle the storm water needs of the <br /> plain. We now have better information and can neighborhood. It is a tremendous benefit to <br /> "...this will have a correct the flood plain mapping for the area to everyone that lives in the West Oneka Lake <br /> make it more accurate." The area mapped for area." <br /> very positive flood plain will now be smaller,allowing for Mll- <br /> ter use of property in the future. <br /> effect on the area. CitvLkln t A IrNo assessments were made to the propertieso Looking Acquire <br /> It's...efficient, easy involved. Funds for the project came from the land for Parks <br /> to maintain,and <br /> The City of Hugo would like to acquire land <br /> economical.' Spotlight on Hugo:Continued from Page 1 for neighborhood parks,active recreational <br /> areas, and open spaces. "We are primarily <br /> regulations. Two major projects that the or- <br /> City Council member Commission continues to work on include the �,interested in land located in the central p <br /> Becky Petryk tion of the City, explains Community <br /> CSAH 8/14 realignment process and considers- Development Director John Rask, "but we <br /> tion of the long-term need for industrial and com- wouldn't rule out any parcel of 20 to 100 <br /> mercial space within the City in order to maintain acres suitable for active recreation purposes." <br /> a diversified tax base and provide jobs and eco- Funds for purchasing this land come from the <br /> nomic growth in the community. City's park dedication fund,which is obtained <br /> from new development in the City. A$1,800 <br /> "The Planning Commission looks at virtually fee is collected and deposited into this fund <br /> everything that's going on in the City,"Rask when new residential lots are created. <br /> states, and then they must ask: how does this Anyone who is interested in selling land to <br /> impact us today,how does this fit into the long- the City of Hugo is asked to contact City <br /> range plans for the community, and does this help Administrator Mike Ericson at City Hall or <br /> advance the vision we've established for Hugo." Parks Commission member Pete Pedersen at <br /> 651-426-4126. <br />