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To the residents of Nu go: <br /> I'd like to begin by thanking all of you for the confidence you've shown in me and in the entire City Council and <br /> staff. I believe that our recent election, in which both the City Council members and I were not only re-elected but <br /> unopposed,demonstrated your confidence in our leadership and in the way we have handled the important issues fac- <br /> ing Hugo. <br /> The passing of the liquor license referendum also underscores the confidence that Hugo residents seem to have in the <br /> City Council. First, you took the time to read the information regarding the issuance of new liquor licenses and to <br /> understand the issue. And secondly, you showed that you trust the City Council in making good discretionary judg- <br /> ment in issuing those new licenses. Please be assured that we will use our best judgment when we issue the new liquor <br /> licenses. <br /> With respect to the 2003 City budget there are a few things I'd like to make note of. First, building permits in Hugo, <br /> and permits in general, are down, so we're not generating the level of revenue that we have been in the past. In addi- <br /> tion, we have some fairly significant budgetary demands in the areas of public works and public safety—specifically, <br /> replacement and purchase of equipment in both of those areas. This will have a significant impact on the budget,par- <br /> ticularly if the Council chooses to handle some of these equipment needs through our budget process rather than <br /> indebtedness. The Council is very concerned about incurring more indebtedness,and of course we don't want to jeop- <br /> ardize the AAA bond rating that we've enjoyed now for some time. We are also significantly affected by the fact that <br /> Hugo is not anticipating receiving any state aid this year, due to the state's budget situation. <br /> The Council, staff, and I have worked very hard on the 2003 budget. We've probably spent more time on this year's <br /> budget than we have on any budget in the past 12 years—scrutinizing and reviewing every item. We have been very <br /> conservative in our approach. Some departments,such as the Fire Department,have made some major cuts from what <br /> was initially requested. However, because we want to maintain the level of services that Hugo residents have been <br /> accustomed to with respect to public safety and service, most of you will experience a small increase in property taxes. <br /> A key factor in the budgetary needs with regard to public works has been the fact that Hugo has essentially had to <br /> build a Public Works Department from scratch. Washington County has been phasing out the road maintenance ser- <br /> vices it provides to the City. They have agreed to cooperate with us in the transition and to help us in an emergency <br /> situation, but as of next year, Hugo will be responsible for all of our own snow plowing, grading of gravel roads, road <br /> repair, and other road maintenance. <br /> I believe the transition has been progressing very well. First,we have had strong leadership on the part of Chris Petree, <br /> our Director of Public Works, who has an excellent understanding of how to run an effective public works depart- <br /> ment. In addition, because of budgetary constraints, the Council decided to purchase and refurbish used equip- <br /> ment from the county rather than buying new. This might mean replacing the equipment sooner, but offers <br /> us some significant initial cost savings. <br /> I'm sure many of you will notice our Hugo City logos on the snow plowing equipment this season. I <br /> think that as a community, we can take pride in the fact that we're now providing these services to <br /> our residents. <br /> With best wishes for a happy holiday season, <br /> Mayor Fran Miron <br /> 4 <br />