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October 2002 <br /> YOUR CITY <br /> R R T <br /> EP10 . <br /> HUGO CITY HALL, 14669 FITZGERALD AVENUE NORTH HUGO, MN 55038 651-762-6300 <br /> CITY HALL GRAND OPENING HUGO HISTORICAL <br /> COMMITTEE <br /> The City of Hugo is proud to announce a Grand Opening Celebration for the new PRESERVES CITY'S <br /> City Hall, which will be held on Wednesday, October 23 from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. HISTORY <br /> The entire City Hall project is now complete, and all Hugo residents are encour- <br /> aged to attend the grand opening, where they can take staff-guided tours of both The Hugo Historical Committee, a <br /> the new building and the landscaping. Mayor Fran Miron comments, "We want group of ten Hugo residents interest- <br /> the public to have an opportunity to see the completed building that's going to ed in preserving and documenting the <br /> serve them for years to come." He adds, "It has set the tone for development and history of the City of Hugo, has been <br /> redevelopment within the community." meeting since July 2002. Kitty <br /> Cheesebrow, Interim Chair of the <br /> Frank Puleo, one of the City Council members involved in overseeing the land- Committee, moved to Hugo two <br /> scaping, is pleased with the rural, "north woods" atmosphere that has been years ago. "I was interested in learn- <br /> achieved. He makes special mention of the illuminated waterfall that flows into a ing about the history of the City, and <br /> small rocky stream, the bridge that extends into one of the City Hall entrances, the I discovered that there were no formal <br /> extension of Hardwood Creek Trail, and the inclusion of Norway and Ponderosa records of Hugo's history, " she <br /> pine trees, maples, oaks, and river birch trees. "We've achieved the natural setting explains. "And with the enormous <br /> we wanted," notes Puleo, "and at the same time we were able to accomplish inno- changes being projected in the next <br /> vative storm water management, where the water remains on site and there is no 20 years, it seemed like the history <br /> runoff." could be lost very easily." <br /> The new City Hall incorporates numerous innovative storm water management The Historical Committee is current- <br /> practices. Natural Resource Specialist Jason Naber of Emmons & Olivier ly pursuing status as a City <br /> Resources,who designed the storm Commission, which would take its <br /> water management system, states, The City of Hugo would like to extend direction from and be funded by the <br /> "Most notable are the three rain special thanks to the following companies City. "Our goal is to put our propo- <br /> gardens which are designed to col- and individuals for their contributions to sition before the City by the end of <br /> lect all the runoff from the site and the City Hall landscaping: this year," Cheesebrow states, "and to <br /> half of the parking lot." Other fea- Council Member Frank Puleo have a budget established for 2003." <br /> . • <br /> tures of the site include parking lot • Council Member Mike Granger <br /> islands with engineered infiltration • Bever&Sons Landscaping Cheesebrow explains that the <br /> E trenches and a rain barrel along the • Southview Design Committee is still getting organized, <br /> building to capture roof runoff and • Arnt Construction but several possible projects have been <br /> store water to be used for the • Hugo City Hall Garden Club: discussed, including a photo history <br /> stream and for landscape watering. Carolyn Kaye, June Young, Mickey of Hugo buildings, and histories of <br /> Ekstrand and Sydney Harrison <br /> Continued on Next Page Continued on Next Page <br />