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HERE IS WHArS <br /> N"PENING 0,N-7ffFi;.11. <br /> I't <br /> �k <br /> C S M 1; <br /> Adak <br /> IMPROVEME <br /> M&ANOWN <br /> Washington County,Anoka County, the Cities of Hugo and noise readings, which will be used to estimate existing and <br /> Lino Lakes, along with their consultant TKDA, are con- future noise levels on the three alignment alternatives. <br /> ducting a study of the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) <br /> 8/14 corridor between Interstate 35E (I-35E) and Trunk A cultural resources investigation is being done to determine <br /> Highway (TH) 61. Proposed improvements for this major whether the project area contains cultural resources that may <br /> east-west connection to 1-35E include expanding to four be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic <br /> lanes and adding turn lanes, a center median, a pedestri- Places (NRNP). Phase I of the study consisted of reviewing <br /> an/bicycle path, and new drainage systems. all structures for architectural and/or historical significance <br /> and performing an archaeological survey. Phase II is now <br /> The process includes a technical analysis side and a public underway to further study four potential archaeological sites <br /> involvement side that are being done concur- and St. John the Baptist Catholic <br /> rently. Three public informational meet- Church and Cemetery. <br /> ings have been held to date. Four align- <br /> ment alternatives were chosen to be Many residents within the project <br /> evaluated as a result of the first area have been contacted for access to <br /> public meeting: 140th Street, their properties to obtain informa- <br /> 142nd Street, 145th Street tion for the wetland, noise, and cul- <br /> . <br /> (existing) and 147th Street. The Lural resources studies. John Rask, <br /> 140th Street alignment was Hugo Community Development <br /> eliminated from further study Director stated, "The project team <br /> because of environmental appreciates the cooperation that we <br /> impacts, right-of-way and con- have received from the residents." <br /> struction costs, and travel patterns. The 142nd Street, <br /> 145th Street, and 147th Street alignments are moving for- When the EA is completed, it will be distributed for public <br /> ward for further analysis in an Environmental Assessment review and comment in December. A combined public <br /> (EA). The EA includes an in-depth study of potential social, information meeting/public hearing is tentatively scheduled <br /> environmental, and economic issues. for January 2003 to present the final information and obtain <br /> comments on the information contained in the EA. Shortly <br /> It may not appear that much is happening on this project, after that meeting, the preferred alternative will be selected <br /> but the project team is working hard to complete the EA. As and move forward for detail design. <br /> part of the study, consultant firms have been conducting <br /> wetland, noise, and cultural resources field work. You may For more information on this project, visit the Washington County <br /> have seen these firms out in the project area. All wetlands website at or <br /> within the project study area were delineated. Noise moni- contact Chris Manthey, Design Coordinator, at 651-430-4316 <br /> toring equipment was set up in selected locations to obtain <br /> 7 <br />