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2001 June Newsletter
2001 June Newsletter
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VISIONING (Cont.) <br /> ways that Hugo can grow and look at well so far and encourages the resi- <br /> officials, and planning commission some actual physical development dents of Hugo to take advantage of <br /> members. HGA also conducted three patterns for new neighborhoods." this final community workshop. "I <br /> topic roundtables — one for develop- Other topics to be covered include can't stress enough the importance of <br /> ers and those involved in real estate, the need for a variety of housing types the community participating in this <br /> one for major landowners, and one and densities, types of services, pre- process because this is going to affect <br /> for schools and churches — as well as serving open space, parks, transporta- the long term planning of the com- <br /> two community workshops for all tion, and the street system. munity, and certainly the more peo- <br /> Hugo residents. ple we hear from the better the deci- <br /> Those in attendance will also have the sions are going to'be." <br /> Michael Lamb, senior planner with opportunity to offer feedback. Lamb <br /> HGA who is in charge of the process, states, "We'll pass out comment cards Mayor Miron states that even if resi- <br /> explains that the first community so folks will have a chance to share dents have not attended either of the <br /> workshop focused on a community and leave their written comments first two community workshops, they <br /> vision, while the second one looked with us. We'll also be taking com- should not be discouraged from <br /> more at neighborhood design. "In ments from the audience — basically attending this final workshop. He <br /> this third and final community work- just having a discussion about devel- adds, "It's not too late. I would hope <br /> shop we will review the steps we've opment patterns for the City of that people would seize this opportu- <br /> taken and some of the information Hugo." nity to participate— just give a little <br /> we've already gathered," Lamb adds. bit of their time to the community— <br /> "Then we'll begin to suggest some Hugo Mayor Fran Miron feels the and I'm certain that the outcome will <br /> process-has been handled extremely be much better because of their-par- <br /> ticipation. <br /> WATERING RESTRICTIONS <br /> NOW IN EFFECT <br /> CITY <br /> Beginning May 15,2001 Hugo residents.who use the municipal water supply are COMPOST <br /> being asked to help conserve water and maintain the safety of all Hugo residents SITE NOW <br /> by restricting their watering of lawns, trees, or other vegetation. In a resolution <br /> recently passed by the City Council, the days you may water are determined by OPEN <br /> your street address. If your address ends in an odd number,you may water only <br /> on odd calendar days; if your address ends in an even number,you may water only The City of Hugo's compost site <br /> on even calendar days. is located on 170th Street North <br /> (County Road 4) approximately <br /> "Safety is the number one reason that we put watering restrictions Iinto place," 1/10 mile west of Highway 61 <br /> explains Public Works Director Chris Petree. "We've seen a large increase in on the south side of the road. <br /> demand for water,but we can't really meet that demand until we have our new well Bring your leaves and grass clip- <br /> and water tower on line. Until then,we need these restrictions to assure adequate pings on Saturdays and Sundays <br /> capacity in case of a fire." from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. <br /> An exemption of up to 30 days is available for new construction. Builders and/or No brush, debris, or other trash <br /> homeowners may call Petree to request a permit to be exempt from the odd/even will be accepted. <br /> restrictions in order to water new sod, seed, trees, and shrubs. <br />
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