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DECEMBER 2000 <br /> �1 <br /> ®. YOUR CITY <br /> I R Elp 0 <br /> RT. <br /> HUGO CITY HALL, 5524 UPPER 146TH STREET NORTH HUGO, MN 55038 651-429-6676 <br /> CITY OF HUGO ELECTS CiTrS <br /> NEW MAYOR, 1WO NEW <br /> FINANCIAL <br /> COUNCIL MEMBERS <br /> POSITION Is <br /> SOUND <br /> Three new City of Hugo officials were elected on Tuesday, November 7, 2000. . <br /> Hugo s financial house is in good <br /> Hugo residents chose Fran Miron as their new mayor, Frank Puleo as a City order," states Hugo's Financial <br /> Council member in Ward 2, and Michael Granger as the at-large council member. Advisor Rusty Fifield of Ehlers & <br /> None of the incumbents in these positions ran for re-election. The mayor was Associates. Evidence of this is the <br /> elected to a 2-year term, and council members will serve 4-year terms. The voting recent assignment by Moody's <br /> results are summarized on page 2. Investors Service of an A3 rating to <br /> the City of Hugo's recently issued and <br /> ;ity Clerk Mary Ann Creager noted that there were a lot of new voter registrations outstanding bonds. Fifield explains <br /> and a large voter turnout, especially in Ward 2. Miron, Puleo, and Granger will be that the bond rating is determined by <br /> sworn in at the first City Council meeting of the new year on January 2, 2001. the local economy, the financial con- <br /> ELEC110N (continued on Page 2) dition of the City, its current debts, <br /> and prospects for future debts. <br /> FUNDING FOR EVERTON AVENUE According to Fifield, "A3 is a good <br /> bond rating for a growing communi- <br /> STUDY APPROVED ty like Hugo. It indicates that Hugo <br /> Communication with residents and landowners is a number one priority is in a good financial position and has <br /> as planning gets underway acceptable levels of indebtedness." <br /> On November 6 the Hugo City Council formally accepted a zero interest loan Hugo Financial Director Ron Otkin <br /> from the Metropolitan Council,a planning agency for the Twin Cities area,to fund notes that bond ratings are important <br /> a planning study for the Everton Avenue neighborhood. Approximately 1600 acres both to the City and to bond holders. <br /> in the southwestern quadrant of the City, the Everton Avenue neighborhood is The rating has a direct influence on <br /> defined as the area located north of County Road 8 (Frenchman Road), south of the City's cost of borrowing and on its <br /> 165th Street, east of Elmcrest Avenue, and west of Highway 61. ability to issue bonds. Bonds rated <br /> A3 possess many favorable investment <br /> The planning study will address existing and future land uses, location of collector attributes, making them "investment <br /> roadways, park and trail development, sanitary sewer and water, storm water man- grade bonds." <br /> agement, wetland identification and management, floodplain designation, and an <br /> environmental review.The five-year loan from the Metropolitan Council is in the FINANCIAL <br /> .mount of$209,322.75,which represents approximately 75 percent of the cost of (continued on Page 7) <br /> the study. <br /> EWUON (continued on Page 7) <br />