head planner, overseeing all planning for Meredith Mormann
<br /> NEWFACES the city, including the comprehensive Public Works Engineering Intern
<br /> AT CITY HALL long-range plan for development. John Meredith will be working full-time for 3-
<br /> brings over 9 years of experience in city 4 months this summer developing a pave-
<br /> There have been a lot of new faces turn- planning, having.worked 3-1/2 years for ment management system for the city.
<br /> ing up at the Hugo City Hall recently. the city of Plymouth and 2-112 years Her work involves evaluating all paved
<br /> We'd like to introduce these new mem- before that for the city of Chanhassen. and unpaved roads, and then inputting
<br /> bers of the city staff He also worked for the planning and information into a computer program
<br /> park commission for Manitowoc county. which helps prioritize road repairs.
<br /> in Wisconsin for 3-112 years. He has a Originally from LaCrosse,WI, Meredith
<br /> Mike Ericson
<br /> City Administrator B.S. in Land Use Planning from the is a 2000 graduate of the University of
<br /> University of Wisconsin— Stevens Point Minnesota with a B.S. in Civil
<br /> In his full-time position as City and an M.A. in Urban Planning from Engineering. Following her work for the
<br /> Administrator, Mike is responsible for Minnesota State University at Mankato. city of Hugo, she is considering travel
<br /> overseeing the day-to-day operations of and attending graduate school.
<br /> the city. His job involves extensive con-
<br /> John will also oversee the building
<br /> tact with the public and with city offi- inspections department,will be involved
<br /> cials. "We work as a team," Mike says, in implementing zoning ordinances and PUBLIC WORKS
<br /> "to make sure that the needs of the citi- city subdivision regulations, and will NEWS
<br /> zens and the city are met." review new development applications for from Public Works Director Chris Petree
<br /> Mike took over as City Administrator compliance with current zoning. When The Street Department has recently
<br /> two months ago. He comes to us from
<br /> asked about his hopes for this new posi- completed seal coating of 4.2 miles,
<br /> crack fillip of 6.5 miles, and re- rav-
<br /> tion,John told us, "I'm looking forward g g
<br /> Maplewood, where he was the Assistant eling of 3.6 miles of the selected roads
<br /> to working with the city council to estab-
<br /> City Manager for 1-1/2 years. Prior to for the year 2000. Striping of approx-
<br /> that, Mike served as the City lish policies to ensure orderly growth." imately 11.5 miles of the selected roads
<br /> for 2000 will take place during the
<br /> Administrator for Watertown for 6 years. John and his wife,Margie,have two chil- month of July. Grading of gravel roads
<br /> He has a B.S. in Public Administration dren,Emma,3,and Marcus, 18 months. is done continuously throughout the
<br /> from Winona State University and an year,weather permitting. We make an
<br /> He enjoys biking and canoeing,and likes
<br /> M.A. in Urban and Regional Studiesattempt to grade high traffic gravel
<br /> to go hunting and"fishing when he has roads at least once per week and lower
<br /> from Minnesota State University at the time. traffic roads every two weeks.
<br /> Mankato (formerly Mankato State
<br /> University). Tom Smith The Utilities Department is currently
<br /> Public Works Maintenance Worker in the process of developing the city's
<br /> Mike and his wife, Suzanne, live in third municipal well, which we are
<br /> Tom began his full-time position on June hoping will be fully operational by
<br /> Maplewood with their two daughters, spring, 2001. The city is evaluating
<br /> Rachel,' 4, and Paige, 1. Their third 26,in which he performs maintenance ing
<br /> g all areas of publicworks, including sites for the location of our third water
<br /> . .
<br /> child, a boy, is due at the end of June. tower. Once a site is chosen,the tower
<br /> Mike enjoys reading,writing, and a vari-
<br /> streets,parks,and utilities. He previous- can be fully operational within approx-
<br /> ety of sports,including running,softball, ly worked as a waste water operator in imately 15 months. The city is also
<br /> Mankato, MN and Vail, CO, and stud- constructing its fourth sanitary sewer
<br /> golf, and bowling.
<br /> ied waste water management at St. lift station, located on 130th Street,
<br /> east of Highway 61,which is expected
<br /> John Rask Cloud Technical College. to be in operation by late summer of
<br /> Community Development Director 2000.
<br /> JJohn begins this newly created full-time Tom lives west of Wyoming with his
<br /> g y For more information about our water
<br /> position of Community Development wife, Stacy, and their 2 year-old daugh- and sanitary sewer systems, see Hugo's
<br /> Director on July 10. He will act as the ter, Madelyn. He enjoys hunting, fish- web site at www.ci.hugo.mn.us.
<br /> ing, and golf.
<br />