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HOT NEWS! CITY PROJECTS UPDATE <br /> Meet the Fire Chief from City Engineer Dave Mitchell <br /> City of Hugo Fire Chief Joe McMahon Development ' <br /> has been a Hugo resident since 1972 and Creekview Preserve—Street and utility improvements and home construction continues at <br /> was appointed Fire Chief in 1998. He this 3rd phase single-family housing development located west of Highway 61 at 159th <br /> and his wife Dorothy have been married Street North. <br /> for 34 years,and they have 3 children and Sweet Grass Meadows — Located north of Oneka Lake Boulevard, primarily between <br /> 3 grandchildren. Joe works full-time as a Goodview Avenue and Greene Avenue, the street and utilities in this 3rd phase single-fam- <br /> press operator for Brown &Bigelow, and ily residential development are installed, and home building continues, <br /> his hobbies are bow hunting in Michigan Beaver Ponds—Street and utility improvements and home construction continues at this 5th <br /> and mule, deer, and antelope hunting in <br /> phase residential development of primarily single family units east of Highway 61 and south <br /> of 130th Street North. <br /> Wyoming. Townhomes of Bald Eagle Construction of model homes is currently underway'at this res- <br /> idential housing development located in the northwest corner of Fenway Boulevard and <br /> When asked about his work as Fire Chief; 130th Street North,which will include single family, twin-home,and eight-unit buildings. <br /> Jae stated, "I would like to publicly r <br /> acknowledge the courage and dedication City Projects } <br /> of all the Hugo firefighters. It is their 130th Street Lift Station—Construction will begin in mid-July and is scheduled to be com- <br /> commitment to serving the community plete by the end of August on this sanitary sewer lift station located between Flay Avenue <br /> that makes my job possible." and Goodview Avenue on the south side of 130th Street North, which will bring sanitary <br /> sewer service to Beaver Ponds and the surrounding area. <br /> Domestic Water Supply Production Well&Water Main—The City Engineer's office is cur- <br /> rently preparing construction documents for a third city well northwest of City Hall. <br /> Construction is anticipated this fall, and the well should be operational by the summer of <br /> Compost Site 2001. <br /> Open Weekends eater Storage Facility and Water Main—The City Engineer's office is currently evaluating <br /> sites north of downtown Hugo for a new water tower. Design and construction of a water <br /> tower and associated water main will take 15-18 months to complete once a site is selected. <br /> The Hugo compost site will be 132n1d Street Improvements —The City Engineer's office has prepared a draft feasibility <br /> open weekends through report for improvements to 132nd Street North between Goodview Avenue and Henna <br /> November, or until the first Avenue. A public informational meeting with the affected properties is scheduled for mid- <br /> heavy snowfall, whichever July to discuss the proposed improvements and associated costs. <br /> occurs first. Peloquin Industrial Park Improvements-The City Engineer's office has prepared a draft fea- <br /> sibility report for improvements to.the Peloquin Industrial Park at 152nd Street North and <br /> Located on the south side of Highway 61. City staff will be meeting with affected property owners during July to discuss <br /> 170th Street, approximately the proposed improvements and associated costs. <br /> 1/2 mile west of Forest <br /> Boulevard, the compost site Offier Agency Projecits <br /> hours of operation are 8:00 Centerville Interceptor—The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) will <br /> a.m. until 6:00 p.m. be constructing a sanitary sewer interceptor from Centerville to a lift station located between <br /> Everton Avenue and downtown Hugo on the south side of County Road 8 (Frenchman <br /> This site accepts grass, leaves, Road). This project will enter the City of Hugo near Elmcrest Avenue and 146th Street <br /> and other similar soft, organic North. <br /> matter only. Brush, tree limbs, Highway 61 and 120th Street Traffic Signal Late this summer the Minnesota Department <br /> and wood are not accepted. of Transportation will be adding a traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 61 and 120th <br /> Street North, including reconstruction of the railroad signal west of Highway 61. <br /> f <br /> G <br /> i <br />