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NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT TEMPORARILY DELAYED determine appropriate City staffing Ievels and building space <br /> The City of Hugo has adopted a temporary moratorium on needs; and review specified areas of the City's zoning ordi- <br /> new residential development serviced by municipal sewer nance that may need to be altered to better manage neighbor- <br /> and water. Adopted under the authority granted to cities hood development. <br /> under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.355, the ordinance is The ordinance does not stop new home construction, or the , <br /> meant to protect the City's planning process and the health, development of commercial or industrial property in the <br /> .safety, and welfare of City residents by prohibiting the subdi- community. Given the number of lots available in Hugo, the <br /> vision of residential land within the City's 2020 Urban rate of new home construction will probably increase over <br /> Development Area for one year,beginning August 18, 1999. the next year. Commercial and industrial development is <br /> No applications for the subdivision of residential property in occurring at a much more modest scale than residential <br /> the designated area will be accepted or approved during this development, and is not posing a management problem for <br /> period. the City. <br /> The ordinance was printed in the White Bear Press on August <br /> 18, 1999. Copies of the ordinance may also be obtained: USED RAILROAD TIES AVAILABLE "FREE OF CHARGE" ` <br /> from the City Clerk. <br /> Free railroad ties are available from the City for landscaping <br /> The Council adopted the moratorium as City services are and other uses. These ties were removed from the railroad <br /> having difficulty keeping up with the growth. During the last tracks near the intersections of 130th and 140th Streets, as <br /> year, 1,062 new home lots have been platted in Hugo. These the grade of these tracks was lowered to provide for better <br /> lots will result in a fifty percent increase in the City's popula- traffic safety. Approximately 2,000 ties were removed and <br /> tion when fully occupied,and more than double the number replaced as part of this project. The used ties are being <br /> of homes receiving municipal water service. provided free ofcharge to the public on a first-come, <br /> This growthis being driven by what realtors have described first-served basis. Anyone interested in obtaining the ties <br /> as the hottest housing market the Twin Cities Metropolitan <br /> may contact the City Hall at 429-6676 to obtain permission <br /> Area has experienced for decades. Interest rates are still rela- to remove them from the stockpile. The City does not <br /> guarantee the fitness of these ties for any use. A waiver hold <br /> tively low, and a large number of people are buying homes. the City harmless any damage mostly from from their use <br /> Proximity to the central cities, the existing road network, and <br /> the availability of sewer service has made Hugo a favored is required. <br /> market. <br /> Community growth is not unexpected, given Huff 's relation- � • `'� <br /> ship with the metropolitan area, regional population fore- -: <br /> casts, and the development occurring in adjacent communi- <br /> ties. To ready the community for expected change, Hugo has <br /> recently revised its comprehensive land use plan, and pre- <br /> pared master plans for stormwater management, parks devel- <br /> opment, sanitary,sewer, and public water service. Traffic <br /> management and housing plans are currently being prepared. The Hugo compost site.will be <br /> open <br /> The dramatic increase m the rate of growth that.occurred dur- weekends <br /> ing the last year was more than expected. Prior to 1999, the November, or until the first heavy �i <br /> greatest number of home building permits issued in any Year snowfall, whichever occurs first. <br /> , <br /> was 99,processed in 1995. With the number of new lots <br /> Hours of operation are from 8:00 <br /> being developed, the City can expect to handle 300-400 new <br /> home permits per year for the immediate future. AM to 6:00 FM. This site <br /> accepts grass, leaves, and other <br /> Based on contacts made by developers, another 320 acres of similar soft organic matter only. <br /> is being considered for subdivision within the com- <br /> property g <br /> dd bwoo <br /> limbs,Brush, tree ms, an <br /> munity. This would add 500-800 new home lots requiring <br /> service by municipal water, and would likely build out the are not accepted. The com <br /> City's current sewer allocation. post site is located on the <br /> south side of 170th Street, <br /> The City Council feels it is necessary for the community to <br /> take a hiatus from the platting of new home lots in order to approximately one-half j <br /> allow the municipal water system to catch up with develop- mire west of Forest <br /> ment, and to consider staffing requirements to handle the ` \ <br /> Boulevard (T.H. 61). <br /> increased level-of work involved with new home construc- a ;;�,, <br /> tion. During the next year, the City will choose a location <br /> for, and begin construction of, a new water tower and well; <br /> -- <br />