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.,, ,... .,. .�.._- ...- OCTOBER, 1995 . <br /> } Y <br /> RWUGn CITY HAIL, 5524 UPPER 146TH STREET , MN ' <br /> 1� <br /> goals and objectives of the Co pre ,,, <br /> HUGO IS CHANGING The <br /> g J <br /> People are moving in. Kids,cars,dogs,and cats,busi- have led to specific policy statements tog - <br /> ness,and industry.They are all coming. In order to prepare decision making. v <br /> for this change,a revised Comprehensive Plan has been These include: --� <br /> drafted for the community by the City's Planning - developing a more diversified tax base through <br /> Commission. A public workshop has been scheduled for commercial and industrial development <br /> October 24, 1995,from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM,at the Rice - accommodating managed and staged urban growth <br /> Lake Park Building. This is an opportunity for residents of - protecting environment resources,open space,and <br /> the community to discuss,one-on-one with the Planning agricultural activities <br /> Commission,the City's vision for adapting to,and guiding, • allowing for local diversity within an organized <br /> change. planning framework. <br /> Some of the findings and highlights contained in the The Plan acknowledges: <br /> Plan are listed below. - the availability of sewer capacity and access in <br /> Hugo's population has grown rapidly in the 1990's,by accordance with the City's approved 1973 Sewer <br /> -)st 20 percent,and is expected to double in the next 10 Service Plan <br /> LV 15 years. The 1990 census showed that fewer people are • the current growth patterns in Lino Lakes,White <br /> engaged in agriculture(4%)than in the past,and more are Bear Township,Forest Lake,and other nearby <br /> employed in industry and service-related jobs(58%). communities <br /> The local population increasingly resembles the demograph- - the necessary planning and development efforts <br /> is profile of Washington County as a whole. Local land use needed to utilize shared facilities and public works <br /> reflects these demographic changes. More land is being projects with surrounding communities <br /> used for residential purposes and less for farming. - the need to identify specific development and <br /> Results of the 1993 public opinion survey indicates redevelopment areas so as to effectively prioritize <br /> that lot size and development density are of primary impor- capital expenditures <br /> tance to most residents. There is also concern within the - the transportation needs of a growing population <br /> community for the protection of agricultural land and the • the availability of land necessary to achieve diversity <br /> preservation of open space. The Plan tries to balance these in housing and economic development activities <br /> community concerns with the fact that for many farmers • the necessity to reach community-based solutions <br /> and large property owners,their land is their primary asset with local input and support <br /> and the means for providing for their children's education The draft Guide Plan has a great deal of continuity with <br /> and their own retirement. the 1973 Comprehensive Plan. It designates two primary <br /> This survey also indicated a desire for a larger com- planning areas,each with subdistricts. The rural area is <br /> mercial and industrial tax base in the City. The focus group generally east of Hardwood Creek and Goodview Avenue. <br /> studying this issue set a goal that 30 percent of the City's tax Land uses are expected to be predominantly agriculture, <br /> base be generated by commercial and industrial property. hobby farms,and large-lot residential in this area. No pub- <br /> The Plan,as proposed,tries to fit this commercial and lic sewer or water is planned. In order to accommodate <br /> industrial expansion into the type of community residents farmers and rural land owners'development rights,a provi- <br /> indicated they desire. sion for"cluster development"at a one home per 10-acre <br /> The Planning Commission and focus groups also have density is planned for. <br /> ,i to fit Hugo into what development is occurring region- The urban area is anticipated to develop a full range of <br /> ally,both the urban development to the south and west,and uses. Most residential subdivisions are expected to develop <br /> the large-lot residential development occurring to the north at two to three units per acre in this area. The commercial <br /> and east. district is proposed to expand west from TH 61 along <br /> continued on page 2 <br />