comprehensive plan continued. . . . . .
<br /> the community,while also taking advantage of existing approximately the next ten years and will have an impact
<br /> infrastructure. on almost all areas of the community.
<br /> All residents of the community are encouraged to Following the workshop,a public hearing on the
<br /> attend the workshop scheduled for October 24th at the Rice Comprehensive Plan is scheduled for November 2, 1995,
<br /> :e Park building,which is located on C.R. 8A,east of 7:00 PM,at the Hugo Elementary School to consider its
<br /> —oodview Avenue. Once adopted,the revised formal adoption.
<br /> Comprehensive Plan will guide City decision making for
<br /> When most frequently lead to the unintentional introduction of grass
<br /> V -A 4� Minnesotans envi- clippings,by cutting and piling near the water's edge,and
<br /> 11i J II sion their ideal lawn chemicals that contribute to water pollution and exces-
<br /> �� lakeshore property, sive algae. Rapid surface runoff that is concentrated in
<br /> they see a rich channels and gullies will also c 'Pollutants into the body
<br /> \ green lawn stretch- of water. The ideal aquascape will distribute and slow the
<br /> I _ + ing down to a strip flow of water,permitting removal of pollutants by settling
<br /> of sandy beach and filtration,as well as the uptake of excess nutrients by
<br /> extending into the the shoreline plants. Shoreline erosion resulting from cur-
<br /> open water. rents and wave action will also be greatly reduced by a strip
<br /> However,such of vegetation.
<br /> beaches seldom The first step in beginning an aquascaping project is to
<br /> occur naturally,and consider specifics of the site,such as the view to be main-
<br /> the creation of this type of shoreline is usually detrimental tained,recreational needs,and the slope of the bank. A pro-
<br /> to water quality and the wildlife inhabitants of the lake. ject can be undertaken in stages and started simply by leav-
<br /> Aquascaping(landscaping along bodies of water,including ing a 15-to 20-foot wide strip of unmowed grass along the
<br /> lakes,streams,and wetlands)utilizes native plant species to shoreline. This can gradually be replaced with native grass-
<br /> create a more natural shoreline. A well-designed aquascape es,trees,and shrubs. Native aquatic plants will also fre-
<br /> '�ances the appearance of the shoreline and provides habi- quently return to a shoreline if they are not removed,and
<br /> or aquatic wildlife. In addition,it protects water quality they can be supplemented with decorative aquatic species.
<br /> by filtering out pollutants and sediment entering the lake, Flowering species can be included to add color,and an
<br /> and it substantially reduces the requirement for shoreline especially attractive addition is a garden of flowering aquat-
<br /> maintenance. is plants,such as cardinal flower,spotted jewelweed,and
<br /> The appearance and accessibility of a body of water waterlilies.
<br /> are important considerations for property owners,and an Native species of plants are recommended for shore-
<br /> aquascape design should consider these requirements. line landscaping. They will root better,grow better,are bet-
<br /> The design should avoid blocking the view of the water, ter adapted to the climate,and require less long-term main-
<br /> and frame the view by having taller trees placed off to tenance than non-native species. In addition,some non-
<br /> either side with shorter plants and bushes toward the center. native plants may spread quickly and out-compete other
<br /> A small section of the shoreline can also be maintained as plants,creating a nuisance. It is also illegal to plant some
<br /> an open beach for recreational purposes. non-native species,such as purple loosestrife and Eurasian
<br /> The proper selection of shoreline plants will provide milfoil.
<br /> significant wildlife habitat. People who live on bodies of Because many of the plants recommended for aquas-
<br /> water are frequently nature lovers,but they inadvertently caping are not available at local nurseries,the successful
<br /> destroy valuable wildlife habitat when they create open aquascaper must be more creative in the collection of
<br /> beaches. These narrow strips,where water meets land,are plants. Many species can be collected from local wetlands
<br /> particularly rich in wildlife,but are becoming increasingly or lakes,with the permission of the property owner. Some
<br /> rare as waterfront property is developed for home sites. nurseries exist that specialize in native and aquatic species,
<br /> Native plant species will provide food and shelter for vari- but many plants may have to be ordered by mail.
<br /> ous types of wildlife,including birds,butterflies,waterfowl, A good source booklet for getting started with aquas-
<br /> fish,reptiles,and amphibians. Plants can also be used to caping is available from the Hennepin Conservation
<br /> discourage unwanted species such as geese. If possible, District. It is entitled,"Aquascaping,a Guide to Shoreline
<br /> one should attempt to maintain natural vegetation along Landscaping",by Carolyn J. Dindorf. The booklet provides'
<br /> ut 75 percent of the shoreline frontage and to establish a basic information on techniques for planting and erosion
<br /> _ae of undisturbed vegetation that extends 50 feet onto the control. It also lists sources of suitable plants,landscape
<br /> land and 50 feet into the open water. designers that specialize in aquascaping,and additional
<br /> This strip of natural vegetation acts as a buffer that publications that may be helpful. To obtain a copy,call the
<br /> purifies water entering the lake. Although grassy lawns are Hennepin Conservation District at 544-8572.
<br /> not detrimental to water quality,lawn maintenance practices
<br />