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Fire Department CityLooks to Future <br /> On August 12th, the ing expenditure decision. <br /> e e k s Volunteen Hugo City Council and Hugo's Comprehensive Plan <br /> Planning Commission con- will be the work of many <br /> Volunteers are being with a long history of com- ducted a joint work session people, but most impor- <br /> sought for the Hugo Vol- munity service, expense re- as part of their continuing tantly, it requires the input <br /> unteer Fire Department. imbursement,and retirement efforts at revising the City's of City residents to ensure it <br /> The department provides under the Fire Fighter's Re- Comprehensive Plan. A fits the goals and aspirations <br /> fire prevention and re- lief Association. representative of the Gov- of the community. Outreach <br /> sponse services to the com- Training is provided ernment Training Service programs are being devel- <br /> munity, as well as emer- through weekly drills and provided background infor- oped in order to obtain citi- <br /> gency rescue. Candidates other opportunities. Inter- mation on municipal plan- zen participation, and resi- <br /> should be in good physical ested parties should contact ning and the tools used by dents are encouraged to take <br /> condition with a desire to Fire Chief Ron Istvanovich local government to plan an active part in charting <br /> aide others. at 429-6366 or City Hall,429- for the future.A city's com- Hugo's future. <br /> Benefits include be- 6676. prehensive plan is a strate- Questions on the devel- <br /> longing to an organization gic planning document opment of the City's Com- <br /> City Council Appoints New Which states the city's goals prehensive Plan may be di- <br /> and outlines its vision for rected to City Council mem- <br /> Planning <br /> em- <br /> Planning Commissioner the future. bers,the Planning Commis- <br /> Tim Agness joined work for the City of St. Paul It acts as a guide in the sion, or the City Adminis- <br /> the Hugo Planning Com- includes the Mississippi creation and interpretation trator. <br /> fission in May,replacing River Parkway restoration of city policies and in mak- <br /> ing-term Planning Com- and the Kellogg Mall Park <br /> .issioner, Chuck Henry. Restoration.A six-year resi- <br /> Agness is a landscape Ar- dent of the City,Tim brings a Plans for New Water <br /> chitect with the City of St. strong background of parks <br /> Paul's Division of Parks and recreation design and de- Tower Proceeding <br /> and Recreation and is a velopment experience to the <br /> partner with Park Design Planning Commission. Hugo's $1.4 million The City will issue <br /> Associates. His recent dollar well and water tower bonds to finance the project. <br /> Building Permits project remains on track, After deliberations on <br /> as site testing is under way possible revenue sources to <br /> Just a reminder! Per- <br /> Dial 911 mits are required for decks, near the Bald Eagle Indus- pay for the project, the City <br /> trial Park. Council decided to institute <br /> for emergencies storage sheds,and most types Following site selec- a Water Availability Charge <br /> 439-9381 of construction and remod- tion,final plans and speci- of $1,700 to each home or <br /> for other law eling. Before you start your fications will be prepared, business hooking up to the <br /> enforcement project,please call the build- with construction starting City's water system after <br /> services ing department at 429-6432. next year. March 2, 1992,which is ex- <br /> The project will pro- pected to pay for the major- <br /> Council Members vide service to a growing ity of the project.A tax levy <br /> Wally Stoltzman.........................................................Mayor population while improv- will probably be necessary <br /> Bernie Brunotte .........................................................Ward 1 ing fire flows and system to pick up the remainder of <br /> Tim Leroux..................................................................Ward 2 reliability. the project cost. <br /> granMiron.................................................................Ward 3 <br /> Debra Barmes..........................................................At Large <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 3 <br />