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Hugo is officially a "city" Temporary fire dept. facility <br /> Following the consolida- the Metropolitan Council. Since the needs of the double the current training <br /> tion of the Village of Hugo Hugo is bordered on the Hugo Fire Department are and administrative space <br /> and Oneka Township in the south by 120th St., on the- continually changing with re- available to the Fire Dep <br /> early 1970's,Hugo is now rec- north by 180th St., on the gard to training and other ad- ment, which should buy <br /> ognized as a statutory city west by Elmcrest Avenue, ministrative operations, the City Council time to evaluate <br /> under Minnesota law. Many and on the east by Keystone City Council authorized pur- the long-term needs of the <br /> people continue to refer to Ave. The city consists of 36 chase of a temporary training Fire Department and public <br /> the community as a village or square miles,and has a popu- and storage facility to be lo- meeting facilities. <br /> township. The City of Hugo lation of approximately 4,250 cated adjacent to City Hall. <br /> is within the jurisdiction of people. This temporary facility will City employee <br /> i.d.'s <br /> 1990 census is very important for planning All regular employees of <br /> the City of Hugo have em- <br /> The next national census, tricts. Beyond political repre- counts translate into govern- ployee identification cards. If <br /> on April 1, 1990, will mark sentation, however, there is a ment dollars for many com- anyone requests entrance to <br /> the bicentennial of census great deal of federal and state munities that are used for your property claiming to be <br /> taking in the United States. money at stake in the final planning and improving pub- a city employee, we would <br /> The basic reason for taking census numbers. Millions of lic facilities and programs. encourage you to ask for <br /> the 21st census is to appor- federal dollars for a wide Mayor Atkinson is requesting proper identification prior to <br /> tion representation among range of programs are still re- community cooperation and allowing any admittance. <br /> the states in the House of distributed to local govern- assistance in making the 1990 Employee I.D. cards have a <br /> Representatives. Census ments based on population, census a successful effort by photograph of the individual <br /> numbers are used to redraw age, income, and other cen- the government agencies in- along with other identifying <br /> state and local legislative dis- sus statistics. The census volved. information. <br /> Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!: Now feeling the results of reform <br /> Despite the raves from the dents. We do know, howev- cities. The greatest impact along with valuation as `. <br /> Minnesota Legislature last er, that when you receive should be felt by lower val- the case in the past.When_ <br /> summer regarding new prop- your real estate tax statement ued homes, and those that viewing your tax statements <br /> erty tax reform, most Hugo from the county assessor,you have not been appraised for for 1989, we want you to <br /> residents have now experi- will immediately notice a several years. Unless keep in mind that in Wash- <br /> enced the result of said re- minimum 5%increase in resi- changed in this year's legisla- ington County, 53% of those <br /> forms. If the legislature and dential valuations as ordered five session,we would antici- tax dollars goes to the school <br /> the County Assessor's Office by the State of Minnesota. pate that the homestead cred- districts, 24% to the county, <br /> understands the tax reforms You should also notice a min- it appropriated to the City of 17-1/2% to cities, and 4% to <br /> approved last year, no one imum 5%to 6%additional in- Hugo will be frozen in 1990, the watershed district, li- <br /> seems to be willing to stick crease in taxes consistent and this should result in an brary,and other programs. <br /> their neck out and admit to with levy increases for the increase in taxes as home- <br /> its real impact on state resi- school districts, county, and stead credit will not increase <br /> Local government Tax parcels <br /> aids frozen by State and subdivisions <br /> For many communities in vices exist. Local government There are many Hugo resi- corded with the Washington <br /> the metropolitan suburbs, lo- aids are tax dollars collected dents and/or property own- County Recorder's Office. <br /> cal government aids distrib- by the State of Minnesota ers who have the misconcep- Copies of the subdivision <br /> uted by the State appear to be which are re-distributed to tion that if one receives a regulations for the City are <br /> frozen at their current level. municipalities based on a separate tax parcel statement, available at no charge from <br /> The new State approach to controversial formula pitting that a subdivision of property the city clerk's office. Anyone <br /> distribution of these aids will rural communities against is recognized by the City.The interested in subdividing is <br /> channel more of these monies the suburbs. City will recognize separate subject to these regulations, <br /> to rural out-state communi- tax parcels as a subdivision and can expect 60-90 days <br /> ties, and not necessarily of property only if separate process an approved mi. <br /> where the greatest growth deeds for these parcels are subdivision and longer for a <br /> and demand for public ser- stamped by the City and re- formal plat. <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 2 <br />