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State tightens noose on small cities <br /> Despite reports from the state cities under 2,500 from tax levy mandates,cities continue to be ducing their budgets than do <br /> auditor siting the excellent job imits. This effort by the legisla- burdened by the financial re- communities with minimal <br /> cities do in managing their fi- ture has a profound effect on the sponsibility of implementing staffs and a budget financing <br /> nancial resources the governor City of Hugo as we are not eligi- new laws without the financial only essential services. We con- <br /> and legislature continue their ble for MSA road funds(gas tax) resources to do so. tinue to approach this dilemma <br /> demand for more financial ac- yet large enough to be restricted Hugo's contracts for munic- as a challenge, but future city <br /> eountability by cities. by the tax levy limits,which lim- ipal services now increase at a councils will be faced with the <br /> Until 1986 cities under 5,000 its our spending from the gener- faster rate than revenue can be demand for more law enforce- <br /> population were not subject to al fund. generated. Cities with large ment, better road conditions, <br /> tax levy limits. In 1988 the law Despite the lobbying efforts staffs and non-essential servic- and more sevices while reve- <br /> was amended exempting only of cities to control legislative es have more flexibility in re- nues continue to dwindle. <br /> "Truth in Taxation" re uirements Fillingof <br /> q <br /> A 1988 tax law approved by be impossible to differentiate with counties estimating mail- <br /> the legislature contains a"truth in tax increases caused by local ing notices at approximately wetlands <br /> taxation" provision that will re- budgets as opposed to tax in- $4,000,000 and cities will be re- <br /> quire all.local units of govern- creases in property values. quired to expend upwards of prohibited <br /> ment to notify each property Cities will have to prepare $2,000 each for publication fees <br /> owner of proposed tax increases their budgets by August 1 of to comply with said law. in H <br /> and conduct public hearings on each year as oppose&to the old Once again the legislature ig- <br /> proposed budgets. October deadlines. nored the pleas of local units of The filling of ditches,pond- <br /> This law does not apply to The law will place a costly government for reasonableness ing areas and wetlands in the <br /> cities under 2,500 population and difficult burden on county while at the same time exempt- City of Hugo without first secur- <br /> and is limited to real estate taxes auditors to compute proposed ing themselves from the truth in ing site plan approval from the <br /> thereby excluding the state from tax increases for each parcel of taxation law and all of this after city and permits from the Dept. <br /> said law. property within the county by approving an 18% gas tax in- of Natural Resources, and or <br /> This law was very controver- August 8th of each year. crease affecting all Minnesota Rice Creek Watershed District is <br /> sial and will be extremely diffi- This law will also be ex- taxpayers. prohibited. <br /> cult to implement as it will likely tremely costly to implement, With the City of Hugo being a <br /> relatively flat community topo- <br /> graphically <br /> opo- <br /> regulated Hugo ter <br /> pg the ditches and g a-Shooting in terpoondinareas are an integral <br /> No person shall fire or dis- sent of the owner or legal occu- shooting on premises owned or part of the city's surface water <br /> charge guns, fire arms of any pant thereof, the city ordinance controlled by any duly incorpo- management plan. <br /> kind within the limits of any City does not apply to the lawful de- rated social organization, or The control of these areas for <br /> road,county road,park or other fense of persons, property or when ordered by military author- the most part has been by the wa- <br /> City property,or on any private family, or in the necessary en- ity. tershed districts in the past., <br /> property, except with the con- forcement'of the laws,or for trap however, recent legislation will <br /> be passing more of that respon- <br /> Maintain pride in our community sib selves.eon to the cities them- <br /> s. <br /> Over the last several years the City of Hugo has time it is witnessed. Please report any unauthor- <br /> experienced an increase in people illegally I If you witness such an incident,please get the ized filling of ditches and wet- <br /> dumping garbage and rubbish in isolated road license number of thevehicle or identify any indi- ladn areas so that these situa- <br /> ditches within the corporate limits. viduals and notify the City or the Washington tions can be investigated by the <br /> Individuals owning land in the city have also County Sheriffs Department immediately. proper authorities. <br /> started dumping construction materials and other Keeping our community clean and attractive <br /> illegal fill without securing the proper approvals. will go a long way toward furthering community White Bear <br /> The city is asking the help of all Hugo residents pride and improving our image as a desirable {.r <br /> to report any incidents of illegal dumping at the place to live. gun club battle <br /> continues <br /> Dial 911 Council Members "City Staff The City of Hugo will be <br /> back in court defending its de- <br /> for <br /> e- <br /> for iiiiiii Mr. George Atkinson, Mayor Ken Huber,City Administrator vial of a special use permit to the <br /> Mr. Deane Vail,Ward 1 John Benson,Bldg. Inspector White Bear Gun Club in the mid <br /> emergencies Mr.Arthur Potts,Ward 2 Mary Ann Creager,City Clerk1970's. The City expects to <br /> Mr. Robert Olson,Ward 3 Carole LaBelle,Deputy Clerk spend upwards of $20,000 in <br /> 439-9381 for other law Ms. Theodora Peltier,at large 1988-1989 to once again defend <br /> enforcement services. <br /> its position. <br /> posi <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 2 <br />