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Recreation Policy <br />RECREATION PROGRAM POLICY <br />CITY OFHUGO, MN <br />APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 16, 2014 <br />APPROVED BY THE PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION JUNE 11, 2014 <br />PURPOSE <br />As Hugo continues to grow and the needs of its residents changes, this policy will guide what role the City of Hugo <br />will play in future recreation programming and services. <br />1091 -AW -i <br />PARTNER WITH LOCAL PROGRAM PROVIDERS <br />• Support local recreation providers in their work to offer programs and seryices for residents. <br />• Maintain regular communication with local program providers and work to cross promote programs. <br />■ Work to ensure that the city's programs and services do not duplicate or compete with those of other <br />providers. <br />■ Provide facilities and fields and make them available to Vocal program providers. <br />• Utilize the Field Rental Policy to prioritize field use. Ensure that Hugo residents are well -served by the <br />organizations that receive priority. <br />ENCOURAGE USE OF HUGO PARKS, TRAILS, AND FACILITIES <br />■ Offer recreation programs that take advantage of Hugo's excellent parks and trails system. <br />■ Engage residents in the protection and improvement ofthe parks and natural environments in Hugo. <br />■ Provide opportunities for Hugo residents to be physically active and lead healthy lifestyles. <br />■ Support residents in becoming active and engaged in their neighborhoods and the Hugo community <br />through public parks, trail connections, and gathering places. <br />OFFER A VARIETY OF [QUALITY PROGRAMS AND EVENTS <br />• Offer programs that fulfill a need of the community and are otherwise not available to residents. <br />• Encourage a wide variety of programs to fit the diverse recreation interests and needs within the <br />community. <br />■ Serve all areas of Hugo by providing programs in a variety of locations. <br />■ As successful programs are established, continue to expand them and offer them on a regular basis. <br />• Offer programs ata low cost for residents and strive to cover costs with whatever program profits are made. <br />• Promote healthy choices and options and programs and events. <br />