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North A South Schaal Secih3n lake <br />ML .0 • . <br />Tell us about your Lake <br />Thursday, July 9t" at 6-8PM at Sal's in Withrow <br />Give us the scoop on your lake! <br />Brown's Creek Watershed District has monitored <br />PIaisted, North & School Section, Goggin's & Lynch Lakes <br />for several years. We would like to show you what <br />we've seen, but most importantly, we would like to hear <br />what you already know as the area lake experts! How <br />have you seen your lake change over time? How do you <br />currently use the lakes and how would you like to use <br />them in the future? How can we help? <br />Let's gather and chat about your lake on agreat summer <br />evening! <br />Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 6:oo-8:ooPM at sacs <br />in Withrow <br />Appetizers will Be provided (cash Bort <br />R5VP's are helpful But not required... puss this invite along <br />to your neighbors? <br />To R5 VP or for questions/comments — can tact <br />Karen Kill, BCWDAdministrator — Karen. kill(Omnwcd.ora <br />or 657.-330-8220 x26 <br />Ci ROWN,s <br />"CREEK ,. <br />WATERSHF <br />Piaisted lake <br />