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2016.05.02 CC PowerPoint Parks Annual Report
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2016.05.02 CC PowerPoint Parks Annual Report
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2/23/2017 10:12:56 AM
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2/23/2017 10:11:58 AM
City Council
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Park Dedication Policy Reviewed <br />25RM5 H_Mnc tlOdinanrx <br />Sec. 90-324. -Park dedication. <br />(a) GeneraI dedication standards. Inorderto deve lap a system of parks with! nthe community to serve the <br />public's health and recreational needs,a percentage of the net buildable acreage based on the <br />density of all land subdivided for residential purposes shall he dedicated tothe city as public <br />parkland.The cityfnds thatthe more dense a development is, the more demand for park land It <br />creates since lots can he smallera ffording less private recreational space and more occupants per <br />acre. The following to rmu'.a will be used to determine the dedication requirement where a land <br />dedication is required: <br />Density <br />Percentage of Land to be Dedicated (of the <br />buildable land) <br />6-3.99 units per acre <br />10 percent <br />4.00-5.99 units per acre <br />11 percent <br />5.01 units per acre <br />13 percent <br />9.01 units per acre <br />1.5 parcem: <br />10.00 < units per acre <br />17 percent <br />The land so dedicated shall he subject to approval bythe city council in accordance with the city's <br />ce mprehensive Plan for parks. At the city council's discretion, a parkland dedication fee may be accepted <br />or required instead of or connection with land dedication.The parkland dedication fee shall he set <br />annually by the city council . and adopted as part ofthe city's fee schedule. The parkland dedication fee <br />shall be charged for eachdwelling unit originated by the subdivision or development ofany property in <br />the city, not including any dwelling unit that maybe inexistence at the time ofthe adoption of the <br />ordinance from which this article Is derived, orwhlch is subject to an approved development agreement <br />with the crythat includes a parkland dedication provision. <br />(b) Appeal process. The parkland dedication fee maybe appealed to the citycouncil before the city <br />council makes a decision on the final plat and shall be calculated as follows:the percentage of land <br />to be dedicated will be multiplied by the fair market value of the net buildable acreage. <br />The fair market value shall be determined by the city council, following their review of a current <br />appraisal submitted to the city atthe developer's expense. The appraisal shall be made by appraisers who <br />are approved members of the SRrAor MAI, or equivalent real estate appraisal societies. <br />25RM5 Hugo Mn eode tlbdinan— <br />bythe fee does not prevail on the appeal, then the funds paid into escrow must be transferred to the city. <br />(Prier [cele, § 1215-040.1; Orzi. Ma. 20101 § 1, t1 -15201C) <br />If the city receives written notice of a dispute over the parkland dedication fee before approval of the <br />final plat, the developer shall paythe fee into an escrow account pending a decision ofan appeal of the <br />fee. If an appeal is not filed within 6o days following approval of the final plat, or if the person aggrieved <br />aboul:derk 1(t abwldeik <br />
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