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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 6,2017 <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br /> Approval of the Agenda <br /> Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the agenda as amended to add an update on the <br /> Washington County Transit Improvement Board. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried <br /> Recognition of the Retirement of Sergeant Wayne Johnson <br /> Washington County Sergeant Wayne Johnson had retired from the Sheriff's Office after serving <br /> the City of Hugo since January 2011. Sheriff Hutton attended the meeting to recognize Wayne <br /> for his 22 years with the Washington County Sheriff's Office and the past nine years as the <br /> sergeant in Hugo. Wayne work in the Water, Parks, and Trails Division, was an Honor Guard <br /> and worked in high-profile investigations. Hutton shared the little known fact that Sergeant <br /> Johnson is a self-taught bag piper, which added another dimension to the Honor Guard. Wayne <br /> will continue to volunteer in that role and help around the state in water, parks, and trails. <br /> Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron commented on how well the contract was <br /> managed under Sheriff Hutton and Chief Deputy Starry, stating that Hugo is unique in its style. <br /> The patrols take an interest in the community, and he was pleased that Hugo continues to be <br /> represented under that contract. <br /> The Council shared their many positive encounters with Sergeant Johnson and thanked him for <br /> all he had done for the community. <br /> Mayor Weidt call for a short break. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m. <br /> Update on Counties Transportation Improvement Board (CTIB) <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear talked about recent media coverage regarding CTIB and asked <br /> County Commissioner Fran Miron to provide an update. <br /> Miron explained that in 2008, five counties —Anoka, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey and <br /> Washington—formed the CTIB in order to levy a quarter-cent sales tax along with the vehicle <br /> excise tax that generates approximately $7 million a year in Washington County alone. It is <br /> combined with other money in CTIB and in partnership with Federal and State the Board moves <br /> transit forward. There have been projects completed in Ramsey and Hennepin Counties and <br /> work done on projects in Washington County but no significant projects completed. One project <br /> being worked on was the Rush Line Corridor. About $51 million has been collected in <br /> Washington County since 2008, and a little over $14 million is in guaranteed funds to the <br /> County. Miron explained that the vote in 2008 to be a part of CTIB was very controversial, <br /> winning by a 3 to 2 vote. Conversations after the recent election brought to question whether the <br /> State was going to be a reliable partner in funding. To avoid the unknown, discussions began on <br /> disbanding the CTIB and continuing to tax under state statute 993. Outstate counties can levy up <br /> to one half percent. CTIB Counties are prohibited from collecting more than the quarter percent <br /> tax; however if CTIB no longer existed, counties could levy up to one half percent under that <br />