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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON MONDAY, MARCH 20, 201 <br /> Call to Order <br /> Acting Mayor Petryk called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. <br /> PRESENT: Haas (via Skype), Klein, Miron, Petryk <br /> ABSENT: Weidt <br /> ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Assistant City Attorney Josh Brekken, City <br /> Engineer Mark Erichson, and City Clerk Michele Lindau <br /> Approval of Minutes for the March 6, 2017 City Council Meeting <br /> Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the above minutes as presented. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Approval of the Agenda <br /> Klein made motion, Miron seconded, as amended by adding an update by John Waller regarding <br /> cleaning Branch 1 of Judicial Ditch 2. <br /> Swearing in of Hugo Firefighters Tom Kaspszak and Ryan Nadeau <br /> Deputy Chief Compton explained to the Council what is necessary to complete the probationary <br /> steps to becoming a Hugo firefighter. Ryan Nadeau and Tom Kaspszak were on the fire <br /> department for over two years completing over 300 hours training in addition to drills. Both <br /> completed Firefighter 1 and 2, Hazmat training and EMT training. Chief Kevin Colvard <br /> introduced Firefighters Tom and Ryan and they recited the Oath of Office. Ryan and Tom each <br /> gave a little background on themselves. Ryan has lived in Hugo for approximately 18 years with <br /> his family. Tom and his family moved to Hugo in 2001. He decided to become a firefighter <br /> after losing his house in the 2008 tornado and after his children had grown. The Council <br /> congratulated them on their achievement. <br /> Fire Department Annual Report <br /> Fire Chief Kevin presented the 2016 Fire Department annual report. In 2016, there were six <br /> resignations and three new hires, leaving a total of 30 on staff The total number of calls in 2016 <br /> was 238 with the highest being 120 rescue calls. Ninety-one of those call were to assist North <br /> Memorial. There was a reduction in alarm calls as a result of educating the public on the <br /> maintenance of alarm devices. A decrease in calls over the previous year was due to 2016 being <br /> the first full year partnering with North Memorial, but call volume is expected to increase with <br /> continued residential growth. Colvard provided training highlights and talked about partnerships <br /> for training opportunities. The department continues to improve upon leadership development <br /> and is involved in many community events. Their first blood drive was held last year, and there <br /> will be another on April 25, 2017. The department continues to work in making Hugo a <br /> Heartsafe Community by having AED's readily available for the community. He explained the <br /> initiative to improve response times in a CPR situation by having volunteers respond to the scene <br />