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further financial relief or benefits from the Association. <br />(1) A member's Beneficiary shall be eligible to receive a benefit upon the death of <br />an Active, Deferred or Retired Member who has not yet received his or her full <br />retirement benefit. In no case shall the member receive less than one (1) times the <br />benefit amount or the amount equal to his/her years of active service in the Hugo <br />Fire Department, unless the member is vested. <br />(2) If the member has no Surviving Spouse or surviving children, the member's <br />benefit shall be distributed in a lump sum to the estate of the member <br />A1IBLTICLL 'gIII <br />SERVICE PENSIONS <br />Section 13.1. Lump Sum Pension: The exclusive pension benefit provide by the <br />Association shall be a defined benefit lump sum service pension, paid based on the <br />members years of active service. Upon meeting the requirements in Section 13.2 of this <br />article, the member shall be entitled to the benefit amount for each year that the member <br />has served as an active member of the fire department. In accordance with, Minnesota <br />Statute 424A.10, the Association shall pay a supplement benefit to the qualified member <br />in addition to the lump sum pension. The amount of this benefit shall equal ten (10) <br />percent of the regular lump sum distribution, but in no case shall exceed one thousand <br />dollars ($1,000.00). This supplemental benefit shall be reimbursed to the Association, in <br />accordance with Minnesota Statute 424A.10 <br />Section 13.2. Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible to receive a service pension a <br />member must meet all of the following requirements. <br />(1) Be at least fifty (50) years of age; <br />(2) Have terminated from the Fire Department <br />(3) Have completed at least ten (10) years of active service with the fire department <br />before termination; and <br />(4) Have been a member of the Association at least ten (10) years prior to such <br />termination. <br />Section 13.3. Benefit Amount: The current benefit amount per year of service is <br />$3,500.00 <br />A.STICLT XXV <br />TIMING AND MODES OF DISTRIBUTION <br />Section 14.1. Independent Expertise Encouraged: Because of the varying <br />circumstances in each member's retirement planning, optional benefit payment methods <br />are offered. Selection should occur after consultation with a tax consultant, insurance <br />and/or estate planner, or an attorney. Alternate payment methods on the Application <br />Form shall include: <br />