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SWIMMING POOL ORDINANCE 2017-484 <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MN <br />ORDINANCE RELATING TO AND REGULATING <br />SWIMMING POOLS <br />TITLE: <br />An ordinance adding Chapter 90, Article I, Sec. 90-1. — Definitions and Chapter 90, Article VI - <br />Requirements for Specific Uses and Performance Standards. <br />SWIMMING POOL ORDINANCE: <br />Chapter 90, Article I, Sec. 90-1. — Definitions <br />Add the following: <br />Swimming Pool means any structure, basin, chamber, or tank designed to hold water to enable <br />swimming, diving, recreational bathing, wading, or other leisure activities. <br />In -Ground Swimming Pool means a swimming pool that is built into the ground. <br />Above Ground Swimming Pool means a swimming pool that is built above ground. <br />Small Above Ground Swimming Pool means a swimming pool with a capacity of less than 5,000 gallons <br />and wall height 24 inches to 42 inches. <br />Large Above Ground Swimming Pool means a swimming pool with a capacity over 5,000 gallons and/or <br />a wall height over 42 inches. <br />Chapter 90, Article VI — Requirements for Specific Uses and Performance Standards <br />Add Sec. 90 — 279. - Swimming Pools. <br />(a) Unlawful unless conditions met. It is unlawful for any person to construct, erect, install, replace, or <br />maintain a swimming pool in the city, except in conformance with this section. <br />(b) General standards for all swimming pools. All swimming pools must conform to all of the <br />following standards: <br />(1) One (1) swimming pool is allowed per lot. <br />(2) A building permit shall be required for the erection of all in -ground swimming pools. In <br />addition, a building permit shall be required for all above ground swimming pools with a <br />capacity over 5,000 gallons and/or a wall height over 42 inches. These swimming pools shall <br />be in compliance with the adopted City and State building code, electrical code, and <br />plumbing code, as amended. <br />