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2017.06.05 ORD 2017-484 Swimming Pools
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2017 CC Ordinances
2017.06.05 ORD 2017-484 Swimming Pools
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Last modified
10/26/2017 2:12:03 PM
Creation date
6/22/2017 9:11:51 AM
City Council
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Ordinance 2017-484 <br />Swimming Pools <br />b. Ten (10) foot side yard setback. <br />c. Six (6) feet from any principal structure or frost footing (i.e., deck). <br />(3) In -ground swimming pools at locations served by a private well and/or sewage treatment <br />system must meet the following setbacks (measured to the pool water): <br />a. Twenty (20) feet from a water -supply well. <br />b. Ten (10) feet from any septic tank. <br />c. Twenty (20) feet from any soil treatment area. <br />(4) All in -ground swimming pools shall be completely surrounded by a fence or wall, not less <br />than four (4) feet high and not exceeding six (6) feet high. All gates or doors shall be <br />equipped with a self-closing and self -latching gate or door with provisions for locking. This <br />shall remain securely closed at all times. Fencing shall be installed prior to the filling of the <br />pool. Please refer to section 90-227 for fence performance standards. <br />(d) Above Ground Swimming Pools <br />(1) General standards for all above ground swimming pools. All above ground swimming <br />pools with a wall height exceeding 24 inches must conform to all of the following standards: <br />a. Setbacks (measured to the pool water) for above -ground swimming pools located in <br />the urban residential or rural residential zoning districts are as follows: <br />1. Thirty (30) foot rear yard setback. <br />2. Ten (10) foot side yard setback. <br />3. Six (6) feet from any principle structure or frost footing (i.e., deck). <br />b. Above -ground pools at locations served by a private well and/or sewage treatment <br />system must meet the following setbacks (measured to the pool water): <br />1. Twenty (20) feet from a water -supply well. <br />2. Ten (10) feet from any septic tank. <br />3. Twenty (20) feet from any soil treatment area. <br />(2) Large above ground swimming pools. Large above ground swimming pools are those with <br />a capacity over 5,000 gallons and/or a wall height over 42 inches. Above ground swimming <br />pools of this size must conform to the following standards: <br />a. A site plan must be submitted for approval by the community development director or <br />designee before a permit is issued for any above ground swimming pool with a <br />capacity over 5,000 gallons and/or a wall height over 42 inches. In addition, the <br />applicant shall submit supplemental information including: <br />1. Size of swimming pool. <br />2. Impervious surface coverage of lot. <br />3. Drawings (must be to scale and show the following): <br />(a) Location of swimming pool. <br />
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