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Ordinance 2017-483 Parking and Loading <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />(1) Parking areas for five or more vehicles must be approved by the City Engineer prior to <br />construction. <br />(2) Back of curb of all parking areas shall meet the following setbacks: <br />Public Right -of -Way <br />Residentially Zoned Property <br />All Other Property Lines <br />10 feet <br />10 feet <br />5 feet <br />(3) No parking areas shall be constructed on a public road right-of-way or drainage and <br />utility easement without approval of the City Council. <br />(4) Curb Cut and Driveway Access Locations. <br />a. Driveway access to parking areas shall comply with section 90-222 Driveways, <br />except that no parking entrance may be located within 60 feet of the intersection of <br />two public streets. <br />b. Curb cuts on State highways and County roads shall meet the requirement of the <br />permitting agency. <br />c. Accesses to a property shall be minimized to amount needed to allow proper <br />circulation on the site. As a minimum, each parcel of land shall be allowed one curb <br />cut on a city street; otherwise, one curb cut shall be allowed for each 150 feet of road <br />frontage on a city collector street, and one curb cut for each 125 foot of frontage on <br />all other city streets. Credit for fractions of the required frontage shall not be granted. <br />In no case shall the separations be less than outlined above, unless unique <br />circumstances are present and are reviewed and approved by the Community <br />Development Director or designee. <br />(d) Design Standards. <br />(1) Minimum Requirements. <br />a. Parking spaces designated for handicapped parking shall meet the requirements of the <br />Americans with Disabilities Act. <br />b. Parking areas shall be constructed to meet the minimum dimensional requirements <br />found in the following table: <br />Angle of Parking Stall Width <br />90 degree 9 feet <br />60 degree ! 9 feet <br />Parallel <br />Stall Depth <br />18 feet <br />17 feet <br />8 feet 23 feet <br />3 <br />Aisle Width <br />One Way Two Way <br />N/A 24 feet <br />18 feet 24 feet <br />18 feet 24 feet <br />