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#1 <br /> MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS <br /> November 18, l987 <br /> Motion made by Potts, secnded by Sonnenfeld to approve the Minutes of <br /> September 27, and September 29, l987 as amended . All aye, motion passed . <br /> The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Potts at 6:30PM. <br /> PRESENT: Sonnenfeld , Potts, Administrator Huber, Carole LaBelle <br /> Mr. Potts stated that Ray Olson had resigned from the Board of Zoning <br /> Adjustments, as well as the Planning Commission . <br /> Mr. Vang has applied to the City for a variance to allow two ready built <br /> garages to be located on his property at 9674 152nd St. He is requesting <br /> that the buildings be located 3' from the east property line, rather than <br /> the required 20' setback . One building would be used as a garage and the <br /> other at chicken coop. Mr. Varig owns the property to the east but stated <br /> he prefers to place the buildings on the specified 10 acres. The mobile <br /> home is located approximately 18 feet from the east property line. Mr. <br /> Vang agreed that he could locate the buildings behind the home with at <br /> minimal amount of tree removal . <br /> Motion made by Potts, seconded by Sonnenfeld to recommend approval of the <br /> variance for Xang Vang to locate one ~12' X 22and one 14' X 22' ready <br /> constructed buildings at 9674 152nd St . with the following conditions; <br /> 1 . The buildings be located behind the dwelling , next to each other in a <br /> north to south direction , the closest building at minimum of 6' from the <br /> home or the distance required by the building inspector and fire marshall <br /> which ever is greater. <br /> 2. Maintain a minimum of 10' from the east property line. The east side <br /> of the each building shall be on the same line and spacing between the <br /> buildings to be no less than 10' . <br /> . All aye, motion passed . <br /> Motion made by Potts to adjourn at 6: 55PM. <br /> all aye, motion passed . <br /> Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments <br /> - <br />