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The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Barnes at 6:30PM ' <br /> PRESENT: Ellman , Jesinski , Barnes, Carole LaBelle <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Jesinski to approve the minutes of <br /> April 24 , 1991 . <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Chairman Barnes reviewed the application with the Zoning Board . She <br /> stated that Mr . Greg Fenton of 12292 Ivan Ave. No. has made application to <br /> the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 24' X 30' accessory <br /> building on his property in front of the principal residence and 58' from <br /> the front property, line. City ordinances restrict accessory structures <br /> from being located in front of the principal residence. The property in <br /> question is zoned RR 2 and consists of approximately 5 acres. The City has <br /> typically granted variances of this nature if the structure has been <br /> located at least 100' from the front property line. In reviewing the <br /> site, it appears that there are other locations on site where the <br /> structure could be located , however, the location proposed appears to be a <br /> matter of personal preference and convenience for the applicant. The <br /> applicant has assured the City that the building will be constructed to <br /> match the principal residence and will not be used for any commercial <br /> purposes. The site in question is described as the east 327 ft' of the <br /> west 595 ft. , except the north 660 ft' of the northwest 1/4 of the <br /> southeast 1/4 of Section 35, T31N, R2-'1W, Washington County, Minnesota ' <br /> Preliminary site and foundation work has commenced on this structure. <br /> Board member Ellman visited the site and stated that the proposed building <br /> is surrounded by mature trees and will not be visible from the road . Ms. <br /> Barnes felt that the slope behind the proposed site was significant enough <br /> for the variance request to place the building closer to the road than the <br /> principal residence. All members agreed that no construction should have <br /> begun prior to the issuance of a permit and if recommended by the building <br /> inspector, double permit fee be charged . <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Barnes to recommend approval of the <br /> variance request of Greg Fenton , 12292 Ivan Ave. to construct a 24 ' <br /> accessory building 58' from the front property line. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Jesinski to adjourn at 6:43PM. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br />