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E <br /> June 26, 1991 <br /> The regular meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Bob Ellman . <br /> PRESENT: Jesinski , Ellman <br /> ABSENT: Barnes <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Jesinski to approve the minutes of May <br /> 22, 1991 as amended . <br /> All aye, motion passed ' <br /> Board member Ellman reviewed this request with the Board , stating that <br /> Lyman and Donna Gessner of 16652 Ingersoll Ave. No. (aka 93010-2400) , have <br /> applied to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a detached , <br /> accessory building of 840 sq . ft. , 18 feet from the side property line (20 <br /> feet required ) and 24 ft' from the rear property ( 5 0 ft. required > . The <br /> property in question is zoned agricultural and is approximately one acre <br /> in size. The deputy zoning administrator reviewed the site in question <br /> and has indicated that if the building were to be located on site to the <br /> north, the building would be placed in a flood plain . Alternative <br /> locations on site were looked at and would have involved the removal of <br /> trees and/or locating the garage too close to the applicant' s septic <br /> system. It is our understanding that the building is to be used for <br /> residential purposes only . <br /> Members agreed that the proposed site appears to be the best location for <br /> the building , however, Tom Jesinski stepped off the setbacks proposed and <br /> felt they were approximately 12' - 15' in the rear and the south <br /> approximately 12' ' He felt the setbacks should be verified . <br /> Motion made by Jesinski , seconded by Ellman to recommend approval of the <br /> variance request of Lyman & Donna Gessner, 16652 Ingersoll Ave. No. (aka <br /> 93010-2400) 5 to construct an accessory building of 840 sq . ft. , for <br /> personal storage only, 18' from the side property line, and 24 ft. from <br /> the rear property line. <br /> All aye , motion passed . <br /> Motion to adjourn made by Jesinski , seconded by Ellman at 6:38PM . <br /> All aye, motion passed ' <br /> Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />