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MINUTES OF THE HUGO BOARD OF ZONING AoJusTwEEwTS - �uzy 24 , 1.9��?1 <br /> The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman , Bob Ellman at 6:30P11. <br /> PRESENT: Jesinski , Ellman <br /> ABSENT: Barnes <br /> Motion made by Jesinski , seconded by Ellman to approve the minutes of June <br /> 26, 1991 as amended . <br /> Acting Chairman Ellman reviewed this request with board member Jesinski . <br /> Mr. Ellman stated that Thomas and Denise Sames have applied for a variance <br /> to construct a 32' X 26' (832 sq . ft. ) , detached garage at 12116 Falcon <br /> Ave. No. Currently there is OR 20' X 26' legal , nonconforming , detached <br /> garage on the site. The dwelling does not have an attached garage and the <br /> property is currently zoned "SFE" . Hugo zoning ordinance allows accessory <br /> structure to be constructed 5' from the side and rear property lines in <br /> SFE districts. The Sames' request is twofold : <br /> 1 . To remove the old structure and construct OR new building in the same <br /> location . The front ���� setback of the existing structure is 27.6' <br /> ( 50' is required ) . The variance request is for 22'4 ' into the <br /> required front yard setback . <br /> 2. To construct an 832 sq . ft ' detach garage by incorporating the 720 sq . <br /> ft allowable area for an attached garage, and the 640' allowable area <br /> in SFE district for accessory structures. <br /> An inspection of the site was conducted on July 15, 1991 and revealed <br /> numerous trees on the property. Placement of the structure in another <br /> location would require the removal of many trees and would encroach the <br /> septic area. The only other accessory structure on the site is a dog <br /> kennel which is indicated on the site plan . <br /> Members agreed that the proposed site appears to be the best location . <br /> The applicants were informed that the front yard setback of the new <br /> building shall not be any closer than the 27.6' current building setback <br /> and that the building is to be used for residential purposes only. <br /> Motion made by Jesinski , seconded by Ellman to recommend approval of the <br /> variance request of Thomas and Denise Names; to construct OR 32' X 26' <br /> detached garage, 5' from the side and rear property lines at 12116 Falcon <br /> Ave. No. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Jesinski to adjourn at 6:41P41. <br /> Thomas Jesinski <br /> Board Member/Acting Secretary <br /> �� <br />