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May 27, 1992 - 6:00PM <br /> Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:00P11. <br /> PRESENT : Ellman , Mezzano, Barnes <br /> Approval of the March 25 minutes will be postponed until their next <br /> meeting . <br /> William Sherman , 9130 No. , 125th St . , has requested a variance to <br /> construct a swimming pool 155' from the shoreline of Long Lake. Marty Rye <br /> of the DNR has reviewed this request and has no objection to the <br /> installation . Mr. Rye informed the Board through his letter that the new <br /> setback for Long Lake will be 150' . The Board found no objections to this <br /> request . <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Mezzano to recommend approval of this <br /> variance request for Wm. Sherman . <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Mr. Wenholz is requesting at variance to construct a 30' X 48' pole <br /> building 10' from his property line rather than the required 20' setback . <br /> The property is zoned agriculture, is 5 acres in size and approximately <br /> 200' in width. Board members concurred this request did not seem to <br /> create any problems and seemed to be the most logical place to construct <br /> the building . <br /> Motion made by Mezzano, seconded by Ellman to recommend approval of the <br /> variance request of Dale & Rayne tic?ntic)lz to construct at 30' X 48' pole <br /> building 10' from the west property line. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Chuck Harvieux , 9171 130th St. , Hugo, has requested a variance to install <br /> a new drain field 100' from the shoreline of Long Lake. The property is <br /> zoned RR2 and is 2.85 acres in size. Mr . Pete Ganzel of Washington County <br /> stated in his letter to the Harvieux ' s this is the only feasible location <br /> for the new drain field . Ms. Molly Shodeen of the DNR has also reviewed <br /> this request and has agreed that this is the only possible location . <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Barnes to recommend approval of the <br /> variance request of Chuck Harvieux to install a drain field 100' from the <br /> shoreline of Long Lake. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Ms Barnes suggested that alternate sites for septic systems be identified <br /> on all lots in the future to avoid the need for variances of this kind . <br /> Motion to adjourn made by Mezzano at 6: 15PM, seconded by Ellman . <br /> Alld tio <br /> Carole LaBel �e,' Secretary - <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />