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The regular meeting was called to order at 6: 15FTI by Chairman Barnes. <br /> PRESENT: Mezzano, Ellman , Barnes, Administrator MuseuSun, Carole LaBeIle <br /> Motion made by Mezzano to approve the minutes of May 27, 1992 as amended . <br /> All aye, motion carried . <br /> Mr. Kelly O' Neill , 8575 132nd St . , Hugo, has applied to the City for a <br /> variance to construct a 42' X 75' post frame structure on his property for <br /> personal storage. The proposed building location is 282' from 132nd St. <br /> while the residence is 375' from road . There are numerous obstacles which <br /> prevents the building from being placed behind the residence, trees, <br /> septic, and slope of the land . <br /> Members concurred the proposed site appears to be the most appropriate <br /> location for the building. <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Mezzano to recommend approval of the <br /> variance request of Kelly O' Neill to construct a 42' x 75' accessory <br /> building 282' from 132nd St. <br /> All aye, motion carried . <br /> Mr. Rick Burr has applied to the City for a variance to construct an <br /> addition to his existing building located at 15587 Forest Blvd . , Gusset <br /> Design , 4' from the south property line. <br /> Board members determined that the site would look best if the proposed <br /> addition and the existing building line remained the same distance from <br /> the property line. <br /> Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Ellman , to recommend approval of the <br /> variance request of Rick Burr, to construct a 40' X 60' addition to his <br /> building at 15587 Forest Blvd . 4' from the south property line. <br /> All aye, motion carried . <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Mezzano to adjourn at 6:26P11. <br /> All aye, motion carried . <br /> Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />