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HUGO BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ' <br /> July 28, 1993 <br /> The Board of Zoning Adjustments was called to order by Chairman Barnes at <br /> 6:20PM. <br /> Present: Ellman , Barnes, Rubenzer <br /> Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Ellman to aprove the minutes of April <br /> ITS 1.993 as amended <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Arnold Ecker has applied for a variance to construct a 3 season porch and <br /> a screen porch, 16' from the east property line and 27 ' from the norh <br /> property line. Mr. Ecker informed the board that he owns 6 lots in Zahler <br /> Acres. Currently the garage on site spans the property line between lots <br /> 3 and 8. There is an existing driveway on the east property line. <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Rubenzer to recommend approval of the <br /> variance described above subject to combining Lots 3 and 8, ZAll cur Acres, <br /> recorded at Washington County . <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Deb Schwarten/Bob Krejci have applied for a variance to construct an <br /> accessory garage 10' from their west property line and closer to the road <br /> than their residence. Patrick Weisman , neighbor to the west stated that <br /> the location of the fence did not represent the property line. He <br /> estimated that the fence was 15' inside his property . Members concurred <br /> that there seemed to be adequate space for the building , however they <br /> would like to see exactly where the property line is. <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Rubenzer to recommend approval of the <br /> variance to construct an accessory building 10' from the west property <br /> line, subject to the property line being verified by a surveyor. Chairman <br /> Barnes will inspect the property prior to consideration by the Council . <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Motion made by Ellman , seconded by Rubenzer to adjourn at 7:02. <br /> All aye, motion paSs.sed ^ <br /> Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments <br /> __ <br />