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The Board of Zoning Adjustments was called to order by Chairman Brunotte <br /> at 6:35PM. <br /> PRESENT: Rubenzcar- , Goiffon , Brunotte <br /> Motion made by Rubenzer , seconded by Goiffon to approve the minutes of <br /> April 269 1995. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Ms. Janice Arcand , President, Oneka Ridge Golf Course has applied for a <br /> variance to retain the aggregate access road and parking surface at Oneka <br /> Ridge Golf Course for a maximum of two years, rather than installing <br /> bituminous at this time. Ms. Arcand stated that the original site plan <br /> for the golf course indicated the surface would be aggregate and there was <br /> no objection by the City at the time of approval . Ms. Arcand is <br /> requesting the $40.00 variance application fee be refunded and no <br /> additional permit be required . <br /> Motion made by Rubenzer , seconded by Goiffon to recommend approval of the <br /> request of Oneka Ridge Golf Course to retain the aggregate access road and <br /> parking surface for a period of two years. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> The Board also recommended refunding the variance application fee as the <br /> original site plan , which was approved , indicated the surface would remain <br /> aggregate. <br /> Motion made by Brunotte, seconded by Rubenzer to adjourn at 6:45PM. <br /> All aye, motion passed . <br /> Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />