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Board of Appeals and Adjustments Meeting April 25,2001 -Page 2 <br /> concrete encasing the line under the drive to allow the traffic over it. Udstuen stated he has never <br /> experienced any problems with his septic system. The Board stated they did not want to be held <br /> responsible for future problems with the septic system should they allow construction of a <br /> building that required driving over the system to access the building. <br /> Staff found it met all standards necessary for the approval of a variance. <br /> Schumann made motion, Puleo seconded, to recommend approval the variance request for a ten- <br /> foot setback to construct a pole building, with the condition that City staff consult the City <br /> Attorney about whether a hold harmless agreement would be necessary to protect the City from <br /> future potential problems with the septic system. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Variance (Klebe) <br /> The Board considered the request of Brian and Mary Klebe, 6080 138th Street North, for approval <br /> of a 28-foot front yard setback where 30 feet is required by ordinance. The Klebes wish to <br /> construct a 12-foot x 28-foot addition to their garage. The proposed addition would increase the <br /> size of the garage from a two-car garage to a three-car garage. <br /> In the applicant's attempt to keep the proposed garage addition as far from the east property line <br /> (Geneva Avenue) as possible and to comply with the spirit and intent of the ordinance, they had <br /> reduced the size of the proposed garage from 15 feet in width to 12 feet. <br /> Staff found it met all standards necessary for the approval of a variance. <br /> Puleo made motion, Schumann seconded, to recommend approval of a two foot variance with a <br /> recommendation it be changed to five feet,which would allow a 15-foot garage to be constructed 25 <br /> feet from the property line as initially requested by applicant. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Variance (Wilson) <br /> The Board considered the application of Max Wilson, 14880 Homestead Avenue North, for a <br /> variance to allow a 25-foot setback from the side lot line where 40 feet is required by ordinance. <br /> Wilson wishes to construct a 3,600 square foot agricultural building on his property, which is <br /> zoned Agricultural, for horse stalls and the storage of hay and personal belongings <br /> The applicant had constructed an existing storage building at 95 feet from the property line with <br /> plans to construct a larger agricultural building between the storage building and the north property <br /> line. At the time the applicant constructed the existing storage building and designed the site plan, <br /> the side yard setback was 20 feet. In July of 1999,the City increased the side yard setback from 20 <br /> feet to 40 feet. Staff found the hardship was not caused by the landowner,but rather a change in the <br /> setback requirement. <br />